S3: Mutt (Sam X Taurtis #Saurtis)

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Sam's POV

Today is the day...I know it is. Today is the day I will tell Taurtis. I walk out my room, and down the stairs to see Taurtis playing the GameCrab.

He looks up from the screen after hearing me and says, "Hey Sam! Good morning. I was just woke up early to play the GameCrab."


"Yeah, Sam? What is it?" he responds, putting the controller down.

"I-I...I um...I w-wanted to s-say...um that uh..."

"Oh come on Sam! You can tell me anything! I'm your best friend!" Okay, I HAVE to now...

"I-I....." Just say it!!!! "I like you. Like, 'like like' you. Well, Taurtis...I love you. I love everything about you. From your chocolate eyes to your lush hair. From your goofy self to the caring side of you. You make me laugh when I need a smile. You cheer for me when I am surrounded by challenges only I can face. You help me when I need a partner to help with the struggles. You cry with me when I need a shoulder to cry on. Your always there, and I never felt this way before to anyone else." He just stared at me in shock. I pull my head down in shame. Now I'm definitely screwed. He'll never love me. "Oh.....I'm sorry. I did not mean to make thing awkward...I'll just go. Nobody would love a clumsy, stupid mutt like me anyways....." I said this, and began walking towards that door.

"Wait, Sam!!!" I stop dead in my tracks; still not picking my head up. He walks over to me, and uses his left hand to lift my chin up. We're face to face; our eyes staring into one another's. He cupped his right hand on my right cheek. "You're wrong. Someone does love you."

"Who's that?" I sniffled.

"Wow, you are stupid mutt; aren't you. You know exactly who..." I looked at him with a confused face until I felt something warm touch my lips. It was soft, and sweet. Then I realized Taurtis was kissing me. It was passionate yet sugary sweet. We had to pull apart for air, but I really didn't want to. "Me, you idiot..." Taurtis laughed. Finally, I told him... "Well, are you going to say something or just stand there?" he giggled. I snapped from my thoughts, and blushed deeply.

"Umm...ha, I don't know what to say." I respond. Taurtis rolled his brown eyes at this response.

"I don't know...how about 'Taurtis, go out with me!' or 'Taurtis, please be my boyfriend!' Those would work!" Taurtis said sarcastically.

"Shut up, you Baka!" I shout, elbowing him.

"Hey! At least I'm up front, unlike you!" he states, ruffling my hair. I just snicker at his goofiness. I suddenly feel him kiss me on the cheek; making me blush pink. "How about yes?" he smiles. I smile back, and lean on his shoulder; soon yawning. I snuggle into his chest.

"I like that..." I murmur, closing my eyes. He wraps his arms around me, and pulls me closer.

"Night my little mutt~" he whispers as I slowly drift to sleep.

533 words, and yes...I know this is short. But it's a one shot! It's supposed to be short! Also I just thought of this quickly, and found it cute! And 2 part one shot will come out soon...trust me, it's going to be good! Well, it's 3:16 and I have "school" later. I'm also tired so night! Bye weir- *yawn* Ugh...bye weirdos!

One-Shots - mostly YandereHighSchoolDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora