S2: BBF-SMUT (Sam X Taurtis #Saurtis)

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Yes, I know that it's only the 2nd story, and I'm already doing smexy stuff. Just sooooo many of you guys wanted Sam X Taurtis Smut or Lemon; I decided smut. BTW this is my 1st smut I've written so I'm sorry if it's bad. I'm also really sorry JanetTheSenpai and others for the long wait. I just wish school was over, why does it have to end on the 20th?!?!?! Also in this one, Sam and Taurtis are dating. Well, to the smexy business!

Sam's POV

Me and Taurtis are just walking back from school. Today has been a long day, and I really want to watch Hunter X Hunter. A devious smirk suddenly grew on my pale face. "Sam.....what do you want..."

"Taury, I'm bored!!!!! Let's see who can run home first!" I suggest. Taurtis stops in his tracks, closed his eyes, and sighed.

"I don't know...I'm really tired, and it's been such a long day." I just rolled my eyes.

"Buuuuuut, if we race home, we can get there faster! Trust me, I'm just as tired as you are."

"No Sam. I'm too tired...in fact, once I get home, I'm sleeping on the couch."

"Uh! Don't make me get them out, Taury..." He gave a stern look towards me. Okay, time to get them out. I make my lips pouting, lower my bunny ears, put my left pointer finger on my left cheek, and pull them out. My huge, chocolate eyes; looking directly into Taurtis'. When ever I want something from Taurtis, I just have to pull out them, and he'll do it. Turning my head to the side, I start to pout seductively, "Taury...I want to race home...please." Taurtis gave a 'really' look toward me but I just kept pouting.

"Really, Sam? 'Sigh' Fiiiinnnneeee, we'll race," Taurtis groaned. "But if I win, you have to stop using them forever, got it?"

"And if I win, you have to do whatever I say for a week!" I exclaim.

"Deal!" Taurtis shouts, pulling hand out. I grab his hand firmly, and shake it.

"Deal..." I smirk. We start at one stop light for the cross walk, and get ready to dash; just waiting for the light to change. The walking sign changed, and we are off. I of course, am much faster than Taurtis; being that I'm half rabbit. Though, he is still pretty fast. I see the house, yes! Just 2 more blocks, and I will have beat Taurtis! I skit onto the porch, and look behind to see a panting ravin haired male. I boop his nose, and grin while saying, "I win..." Taurtis rolls his eyes, and continues panting as he unlocks the front door.

"So...what 'pant' do you 'pant' want me 'pant' to 'pant' do?" Taurtis groans breathlessly.

"I want you to watch Hunter X Hunter!" I shout, acting kiddish. Taurtis just rolls his eyes, and sighs as he slumps onto the cough. I turn on some Hunter X Hunter, and sit with Taurtis. To be honest, I just wanted his company.

After about an hour, I glance back to see Taurtis sleeping. For real, I thought he would snore loudly. I turn off the TV, and try to pick up Taurtis bridal style. I almost passed out trying to carry him up the stairs, how big is he?!?! I finally got to his bed, and tossed him on it. "Finally!" I gasp. I glance at him sleeping soundly. My little Taury looks so cute when he sleeps! "Awwwwww, night my turtle. Hope you sleep well without me." I whisper into Taurtis' ear, and kiss him on the cheek. I turn around, and slowly start for the door.

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