S5: Anew (NateX???)

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Okay...at first, this was meant to be a one-shit but then I had so much fun writing it that I decided to make it into parts instead. Also...I was thinking...if you all like it, I might make it a separate book of it's own. Wait- before I forget! Make sure you guess who the mystery person is in the comments. Whelp, to the story!

"H-Hellwo?" a little girl called. She had chased a squirrel, and now she ended up in the dark woods, far from any town. The girl slowly walked around. She wasn't afraid but was nervous. "Is anyone here?" she called.

Her black curls bounced up and down as she walked. She was wearing a thick rainbow hoodie with a black and white cat on it; even though it was the summer. She had slightly ripped, navy blue yoga pants with a brown belt having two pockets at the sides to hold it up. She wore some teared pinky-purple gloves, and a headband with all sorts of colours, rubberbands, a butterfly, and the same cat as a charm. Some flowers gracefully danced in her hair. She wore no shoes nor socks. Her bare feet made little crunching noises against the leaves on the forest floor. A maple leaf was permanently stuck on one foot while the other had a stick stabbed into it. It bled sometimes but she didn't mind. Her skin was tan, and her brown eyes glowed in the sun light.

After walking for several hours, she stopped at a rock to rest. "Ugh...I'll never find home..." the little girl cried.

"Don't say that, home is where the heart is..." a mysterious voice called from the woods.

"W-Who's there?" the girl asked. Her voice was so delicate but yet confident. A person with a black hoodie came up behind her. He nudged her slightly. "What the-" the girl said as she turned, and saw a male. The male put his hand out in front of the girl.

"I'm Nate, who are you, and why are you in my woods?" the male asked. The girl was hesitate to shake his hand but did anyways.

"I'm not a-allowed to say..." the girl stated. Nate raised his eyebrow.

"Why not?" he asked. The girl looked down.

"People say my name is a curse so I prefer not to say it." the girl answered. Nate nodded slightly.

"So why are you here?" he questioned.

"I got lost..." she responded. Nate sighed, and rolled his eyes. He seemed to be older than the girl by a few years. He looked like he could be in high school. Nate had black hair, and a lip piercing. His brown eyes weren't as bright as the girl's were. The black hair he had almost covered one eye. He look like he wore...eyeliner? The girl couldn't help but stare.

"What are you staring at?" Nate sassed. The girl didn't answer. She was lost in her thoughts. Nate rolled his eyes, and shook the girl. That snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Excuse me but...who are you?" the girl asked. Nate looked more confused.

"Just told you, idiot." Nate stated. The girl looked down.

"I'm sorry...I have STML..." she sighed. Nate looked even more confused. "STML means Short Term Memory Loss..." she quiet spoke.

"Oh...that explains it." Nate said. The girl looked back up at Nate.

"You can call me whatever you want...I don't care." she stated.

"I'll just call you.....'Rocky'..." Nate said. "It suits you..." The girl now nicknamed 'Rocky' smiled cutely, it showed her colourful braces. Nate almost pulled a smile but decided not to. "Come on...let's get inside..." Nate said blankly as he started walking. 'Rocky' quickly followed behind him. Nate was way taller than 'Rocky' but she was short to begin with. She stumbled a bit, tripping a little on the air. Nate had an asshole look to him. He looked like the complete opposite of 'Rocky'.

They soon arrived at a tiny cottage. "This is pretty." 'Rocky' smiled. Nate didn't say anything in response. He just went to the front door, and unlocked it. He went inside, and crashed on his couch. 'Rocky' stared at the interior. It was really messy but quite clean and organized at the same time. She just stood at the doorway, not knowing what to do. Nate noticed, and rolled his eyes.

"You going to come in or stand there like a bag of potatoes?" Nate sarcastically stated. 'Rocky' rushed in, and sat on the floor in front of Nate. Nate laid now, and was all relaxed. He pulled his arms behind his head. One of his eyes were closed, and the other one glaring at 'Rocky'. She gulped quietly. "You can explore if you want but DO NOT go in my room. Understand?" Nate stated. 'Rocky' quickly nodded her head, and skidded up the stairs. Nate sighed, and grinned slightly when she was gone.

Once at the top of the stairs, 'Rocky' looked into the closest room. It was a spare bedroom. 'Rocky' continued looking through the cottage until she got to the last room. It had a label on the door, 'Nate's room: STAY THE FUCK OUT!' She shivered when see read the sign. 'Rocky' had never cursed in her life. Soon, her curiosity got the best of her, and she looked in.

There was a neat bed with FNAF bed sheets. At the far wall,ma little window with cute purple curtains was placed. 'Rocky' slowly stepped into the room. The carpet was fuzzy and felt good on her bare feet, snuggling her slightly. She walked some more, and saw some band posters on the walls. She smiled when she saw her favorite band, Set It Off. She looked some more, and saw some drawers next to a closet. She assumed it was for clothes only, and she was right. She then saw a computer and microphone on a desk in the far back. Next to it was a guitar. "Huh, I didn't know Nate liked to play guitar..." she whispered to herself.

The ceiling was so beautiful, it had so many different paintings and scenes. 'Rocky' couldn't take her eyes off it. It was like the perfect imagination. She could stare for hours at it but decided to leave so she wouldn't get caught. She slowly closed the wonderful room, and quietly went back down the stairs.

Nate had both of his eyes closed, and his breath was soft. 'Rocky' looked at the sleeping male. She slowly walked up to Nate, and sat on the floor next to where he slept. She just stared with her mesmerizing brown eyes at him. She wondered what he dreamt of.

"Why do you hide...?" 'Rocky' softly murmured. She knew Nate wouldn't hear anyways. She got up, and laid next to Nate on the couch. Curling into Nate's chest, she fell soon asleep. Only seconds later, I light smile appeared on Nate's face...

1105 words...I really want to continue this because it was so fun to make! Well, bye weirdos!

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