*Chapter Twenty-Six*

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*Chapter Twenty-Six*

“Not bad, you improved quite a lot,” Rhia praised. “However, it's not enough if you can't defeat me.”

I nodded, knowing that she was right.

“Come on, we don't have time.”

I bended slightly and kept my eyes, senses, and everything all focused on her. She slowly circled around me. Instead of moving and facing her, I used my hearing and sense. Although Rhia could keep almost her entire aura hidden, whenever she attacks, a hint of aura with killing intention would still leak out. Using that to my advantage, I whipped around and raised my arms over each other to block her kick. Swiftly, I ducked under her, and tried to look for any opening. Her fingers curled together, and I jumped up as she punched the space where I had been a few moments before. Just as I was above her, I twisted around and lashed out. My sharp nails grazed the skin on her neck and left a fine trail of red. My left hand shot out to balance myself. My eyes widened when I saw the look in Rhia's eyes. The look that said everything was over.

Time slowed down as I was twisted in an angle that left me completely defenseless in the air.

“Wrong move.”

I watched as her hand shot out at me to grab my neck. I know that she would only clamp around my neck harmlessly, but it still got on my nerve to know that I would lose.

They say that you can only reach your full potential when you have no other choice but to do so. Unconsciously, I reached deep into me. Into a part so deep where there was a box. The box with an old rusted lock. All I have to do was to pull away the weak lock and release whatever is in it. My hand reached out towards it.

It's not the time yet.

I heard a startled yell, and I snapped back into reality. My eyes found Rhia's petite figure lying on the floor. She clutched at her left hand that was bleeding incessantly, but she didn't give it the slightest attention as her entire attention was focused solely on me.

“What...was that?” she gasped and stood up shakily. Her left hand hung limply by her side.

“What happened? You okay?” I asked worriedly and started rushing towards her. It was only when I looked closely that I saw her dilated pupil.


Both of us turned to see Ace and Ashling coming towards us. They both stopped when they saw Rhia's arm. Ace reacted first and ripped the sleeve off. I had to resist the urge to flinch when I saw the damage it had taken. It seemed like her hand had gone through a wall of flame and came back whereas the rest of her body was perfectly fine.

“What did you do to her?” Ash looked at me with a distaste. This time, I did flinch.

“I - ”

“It wasn't her fault. She wasn't herself when she did that,” Rhia defended me. Her voice sounded weak, and she looked like she was on the verge of fainting.

“Sorry, Rhia,” I looked down, feeling extremely bad.

Rhia waved my apology away with her unharmed hand.

“I know you didn't do it on purpose,” she chirped.

“But - ”

“No! Don't say anything!” she clamped her right hand over her ear and rambled a bunch of words to drown me out. “Ace, take me to the healer right now.”

Ace obliged. With one swift motion, Ace had Rhia in his arms. He disappeared in a flash. I heard Ash sigh. To my total surprise, she placed her hand on my shoulder.

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