chapter 1: the unwanted fall

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It all began with Julias in the great war fighting and slashing down every opposing unit; lieutenant to the captain also his best friend; brother almost. As he watched his allies fall he ran back yelling retreat, only to see his captain on the floor bleeding out. Yelling "retreat!" as loud as he possibly could, Julias ran to his side saying "Elijah we need to get you medical attention." "no brother, she calls me home" as he grasps Julias' hand a tear runs down his cheek. "win this war for me and we shall rule as one" as Julian presses his forehead against his own and takes his necklace then runs away with his allies before the enemy forces arrive "I will" Julias said to himself.

Running back behind the defenses, past the kingdom walls and marked for treason by abandoning his post Julias ran and ran he didn't look back he ran passed villages and rivers till he arrived at a river full of vegetation staring down in water he scoops some up and drinks then thanks it. He begins to sob to himself and passes out from exhaustion.

Later he wakes up in a wooden cottage on a warm bed and is greeted by an enchanting voice

"hey you're awake" said the mystery woman

"yes I am" said Julias hoarsely

"I brought you some water" she replied

"Why thank you" Julias said as he sat up and saw her a beautiful young lady with eyes that match the sea and hair of the darkest sky and says "am I dead? Cause I'm witnessing an angel first hand"

The lady smiles and gives him the water "take this you flattering goose" she said as her cheeks got rosey. "what's your name" he asked "farry, pleasure" she said "Julias" he replied then sat down next to him and they talked for hours until the sunrise until Julian asked to leave the house "no you cannot, not until your well Julias" he smiles "you don't understand I promised my brother I'd win the fight"

"the war has been over for weeks" said Farry. Julias looks surprised and says "how did you know I meant the war?"

"the symbol on your chest, it's obvious you were in the Guilded army" "ah so how did it end?" said Julias "the war? It ended with your castle ... would you like more food?" Farry said anxiously "tell me what happened, please" Julias pleaded "guilded castle no longer stands but the land remains and there was mercy" she replied "so the lands still there? I must go. I'm sorry Farry" he replied "you musnt go, you are wanted for treason" she begged "treason? For what?" he asked "for abandoning your fellow men" Julias stayed quiet and left the cottage into the heavy rain outside.

Running into the rain he falls to his knees; seeing smoke from where he came from he begins to cry and immediately takes the nearest axe and starts chopping at some nearby trees. Farry runs up to him "what are you doing?! You're gonna catch a cold or worse the shivers you must come inside" she said "I promised I'd rule the land for us if that one is gone I'll just have to make a new land" he said clearly under the rain "it's not gone There are still people alive there, if you wish to help out then go!" she said yelling "there is no kingdom without a king and guard!" he replied "A kingdom is made from the people in it not the people who ruled it" she said as she smacked him "is that possible?" he said pensatively to himself "what? Is what possible?" she asked but as soon as she did he ran off to his old kingdom.

He was running until he came across a fine horse that knocked him on his back "calm down boy" he said out of breath "I mean no harm I just wish to visit my home" as the horse backs away he realises that he has a cut on the side, and the horse is only being protective. So he stood up and found some herbs lying around that he knew would stop the pain. Pressing the herbs on the horses side where the cut was he gently pet the animals head and said "where is your owner?" as he looked and saw the field of where his fight was and lowered his head "I guess we both lost our family huh? Would you like to come with me? I could use a lift and you could use the company" the horse strengthens it's stance as of to say "okay".

Julias sits on the horses back cautiously and he starts galloping slowly in the direction of his home. Walking over bloody corpses yet to be recovered due to the kingdoms situation he tried his hardest to avoid his fellow man as he heard yelling in the distance; it was yet another attack but this time by looters, bandits of such. Julias dismounted his horse, pulled a sword from its satchel and picked up a shield from the ground, "I won't run this time friends" as the bandits got closer arrows started landing on top of them "Julias!" a distant yell called unrecognizable yet familiar and just as he looked behind him he got clubbed in the back of the head. Getting up partially unconscious he pulled his sword up; cutting off some of the bandits fingers off, the bandit yelled and began to bash at Julias' shield and Julias stabbed him straight through the stomach getting covered in his foes blood Julias yelled as he ran towards the hoard of bandits slicing and stabbing through them each with more strength and anger. Soon the bandits started yelling retreat and Julias fell to his knees covered in blood with a damaged wrist and ankle he could not move. He blacked out soon after, then got dragged by his horse to a nearby tree.

Beginning to wake up he sees figures coming towards him he smiles faintly as he blacks out again.

This time he wakes up in a bed hearing the same voice as before but he recognized it this time it was Farry. He smiled and said "you came after me" "of course I did" she said before smacking him "why would you leave even though I told you not to?" she asked worriedly as Julias replied rubbing his cheek "I'm sorry I had to go back, for my promise I need to keep it, don't worry though we'll head back soon" he said as she sat down and said very sleepily "I got worried and I'm sorry for following you" he pets her hair and replies "rest, I need to speak to the people" as she falls asleep

Stepping out of the building he was in, he enters a small town in the kingdom he remembered but there was no guards no infantry only villagers. Walking up to a villager Julias asked "where are the guards?" "they all left I'm afraid, said there was not much of a castle or kingdom to defend" the villager replied "castle what do you mean by there's not much of a castle?" asked Julias confusedly "well the King was captured and most of the guard slain, only us who live here remain, wait are you That Julias boy from the guard? I think your sister Ailith has been looking for you" replied the villager "I should probably check up on her, thanks for the help" said Julias as he ran back inside the building and brought Farry back to his sister Ailiths house.

As soon as they arrive Julias smells his favorite dish, smoked salmon stew. Entering the house breathing heavily from having to carry Farry all this way. With a huge smile he says "Ailith! I'm back!" as soon as he finished a fist hit him on the cheek, it was Ailith tough but kind, Julias' older sister now a retired cook. "where were you?! You were gone for three days! And who is this lady?" she said agitated and confused Julias replied "I've been on a trip, and I found land much better then this and she is a friend, she saved my life more then once" "a lady friend?" asked Ailith with surprise "I mean you always were full of yourself, I didn't actually think you could get yourself one" she said "she's just someone I met and talked to. But I do feel a certain attraction she followed me for an entire day, how could I not like that?" he replied happily "well a day you said, she could be obsessed Julias I'd be careful if I was you" said Ailith "everything will be okay, now what's for dinner?" asked Julias as he gets another bonk to the head "I should've known you came here for food!"

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