chapter 4: the hidden village

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Heading down the mountain side, Hasok began seeing shadows "By god, what was that?" said Hasok "what was what?" replied Julias curiously "that shadow Julias over by the entrance of the cave" said Hasok panicked like "shadow thing? Are you mad man? I don't see a thing." replied Julias with a slight chuckle. "there was a shadow; there tall and skinny, I swear it by my beard." said Hasok "sure there was Hasok, it's probably just your brain playing tricks again. Remember the giant squid in the lake?" said Julias laughing "it looked a lot bigger from the above the water, and at least I found that squid and it's den or we would've starved" said Hasok "true that is Hasok" Julias replied both now entering a valley between the mountains.

"there's a lot of caves here.." said Hasok "you're being paranoid Hasok, caves are caves." as soon as he said that he only heard his horses shoes clomping the floor "Hasok?" he said as he turned around to see Hasok lying on the floor with a dart in his back "Hasok!" he said about to jump off his horse; before getting hit with a dart in his back almost immediately passing out.

Julias woke up in a dark room with his back on the ground which had a crunch to the floor almost as if they were bones. Scared Julias started yelling "Bones! Bones! There are bones everywhere!" and at the same time Hasok panicked and yelled, then the door opened to see a tall figure with white hair and pointy ears. "both of you,what were you doing in the great valley at this hour of night?" said the tall elfish person "we were just passing through, we meant no harm" said Julias now noticing the "bones" he saw on the floor was actually twigs from the trees outside "no harm? Then explain why two of our kin are dead." replied the tall elfish person "are you actually an elf?" said Hasok "and elf? I mean we get called plenty of things but I guess elf is kinda what we are, almost weightless with spiky ears" he replied with sassy sarcasm, "now both of you, up, we need to see what's gonna happen and hear your excuse" said the tall man as he lifted them both up and dragged them outside the woven tent. "are these the two?" Said the another tall man with a long beard "yes, these are the two" replied the tall elf from before, "thank you Clorion" said the large bearded person. Julias snickers a little and let's out a slight laugh "Clorion?" said Julias "it's Sindarin." said Clorion, "so you are elf's!" said Hasok "elves" replied Clorion frustratedly "and what are you? A dwarf?" "actually, yes I am, last of me kind I'm told" said Hasok "I wouldn't be so proud I saw a clan of dwarfs towards the east isles" just as Clorion said this Hasok heart dropped as he realised he might not be able to meet his kind if they do not free him. "these men aren't the ones who kills our kin, do they look like they can turn us inside out?" said the leader elf "let them go." he said with a slight chuckle "but my lord.." Clorion said before he got interrupted "enough Clorion" said a distant voice "the king has said to free them, your racism doesn't give you a reason to kill them" the elf said "fine, said Clorion, I'll be in my home" he said has he walked away into the forest."

"I'm Jhuvik, human and dwarf, what are your names?" said the male elf "I'm Julias and this is Hasok" replied Julias as the forest elves took the bindings of their hands "it's a pleasure to meet you Julias. And Hasok, the lord asked me to accompany you to your destination,if that's okay with you two." said Jhuvik to Julias "let me talk to Hasok about it and get his opinion" replied Julias "okay we will both benefit from this I can promise you, you can trust me" Jhuvik said "what do you think Hasok? And elf is good with a bow" Julias said with a chuckle "I don't think we can trust him, I mean they did imprison us' Hasok replied with a serious tone "actually that's not true Julias but we are master dagger wielders and in healing magic for we train years from the age of ten to death, we never stop training until we die" Jhuvik laughed "maybe he could be useful" said Hasok "healing magic? Is that a joke?" said Julias "a joke? Most humans don't believe in magic but you Julias deep down have always thought wanted it to be true, only until it's a reality you want it to be fake" said Jhuvik. Julias stayed quiet for some time and agreed to have Jhuvik accompany them.

but just as they were about to leave a strange roaring came from the forest, this roaring was the same as the one from the cave before, all three walked slowly towards the sound to see the elven village on fire and being ransacked by skinny grey figures almost skeleton like but with no bone shapes on the outside, almost as if they were clay "Run everybody!" yelled Jhuvik as he ran in and started slicing the monsters with his daggers, but to no avail as every slice regenerated faster then he could cut again, "it's no use Jhuvik, grab anyone you can and run!" said Julias "stand back" said the lord of the elves as he shot a bright yellow beam through his kingdom freezing all the monsters in place "it's a dark magic that's running through this land, I can't believe it's made it this far, I fear for the people of the east and west" he said with fear in his voice "lord Haldreithon! What are you talking about?" said Jhuvik "go Jhuvik and warn them about this threat" said lord Haldreithon "but lord..." "GO!" said Haldreithon kneeling over Clorion "let's go." said Jhuvik as they all got on there horses and started riding to the west

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