chapter 10: twenty years later

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"Julias wake up!" Farry said next to him "it's your sons first day with his new tutor" she continued "alright, alright" Julias said as he got up and dressed himself then kissed Farry before going to wake up his son Elijah "Elijah, get up m'boy it's time to read to your dear ol dad" said Julias "father, why can't I go to a normal class like everyone else?" asked Elijah "would you want to be picked on by every student for being the kings kid?" asked Julias "you're not supposed to answer a question by a question father" Elijah replied "well you're not supposed to question your elders either, now hurry up you're late" Julias said "father I'm turning fourteen in five days, I'm not that young" Elijah replied "when your twenty four then I'll accept that, but for now you're young. Now get ready I'll see you in the library in five minutes" said Julias as he left the room "fine father I'll see you in the library" Elijah said as Julias left for the library as Elijah got ready in his room.

"ah lord Julias.." said a maid in the castle "just Julias Mary just Julias" said Julias "ah right sorry Julias, it's just there's a problem" said Mary the maid "a problem? What Is it?" asked Julias "you have some guests down in the main hall Julias" said Mary "tell them to wait till my sons tutoring is done and I'll be down in a little" Julias replied "but sir it's someone named Bouthe" she replied "then he'll understand, send him to the library please" he replied "of course Julias" she replied as she started to step down the castle hall.

"Julias my dear old friend" Bouthe said "how has it been?" he asked Julias "just fine Bouthe, let me introduce you to m'boy he's quite fond of the magic arts" Julias replied "fond? I could tell, this room is full of his soul energy, I would be glad to meet him" Bouthe replied with a smile on his face "well he was supposed to be here by now, I don't know where he is, please give me a second" said Julias as he warped to Elijah's door he could not go inside due to the runes he has on the door. "Elijah?" Julias said as he knocked on he door "Elijah I'm coming in" he said as he creaked the door open to see a slightly open window "Elijah!" he yelled as he jumped out the window to gently glide down onto the floor, then he headed towards the town to look for his child.

"father will never understand me" Elijah said "well not every parent does" replied a little girl in ragged cloth "it seems as if he would though, being through what he has, you know his story and all" Elijah continued "he only wants you to be safe Elijah, it is dangerous out here in the town" she replied "I know that Clara, but I'm turning fourteen soon I won't be a kid much longer, I can defend myself" replied Elijah "well if you had a kid, how would you feel if he left your custody?" Clara replied "I would at least give him a chance to explore!" Elijah yelled as he got lifted up by Julias "you are in big trouble mister" Julias said "and who's this?" Julias continued "she's my friend, her name is Clara" said Elijah "well Clara, do you have a home or a family to head back to?" asked Julias "n-no sir, I'm without house or family" Clara replied timidly "well then, come with me and we'll feed you and clothe you, you need to have no fear, a friend of my son is a friend of my family" Julias replied with a smile "though you won't be seeing Elijah for some time, he's gonna spend the next couple days practicing his reading" Julias continued "it's okay sir I can stay here, really" Clara said "okay I guess if that's what you want" Julias said has he lifted her up and took them both to the castle "who is this?" asked one of the maids "she's all rugged and dirty" said Mary "she's a part of the family now. I want you to clean her up and give her some clothes, she'll be staying with us for some time studying with Elijah" said Julias "of course sir" said the other maid "come on now, you know my name is Julias you've worked with me for more then fifteen years" Julias said with a chuckle "of course I'm sorry Julias" replied the other maid "no need for apologies, now me and you Elijah are going to your room" Julias said as he walked to Elijah's room

"little lady, how old are you?" asked Mary as she cleaned off her back using a sponge and some nearby river water "I'm ten" Clara replied "and please call me Clara" she replied "oh okay Clara, I'm Mary, pleasure to meet you" said Mary "the pleasure is mine, I've never really had a luxury ever since mommy" Clara said as she started to tear up "no, don't cry Clara, it's okay we'll take care of you now, we're a family here" Mary said as she hugged Clara "everything will be alright." she said.

Now back in Elijah's room Julias is talking to Elijah "I used to be just like you when I was younger Elijah" he said "if you want to explore you can tell me and we'll go together" said Julias "but father I wish to explore alone and meet new people" replied Elijah "you will Elijah, I promise you, you will when you're ready" Julias replied "I am ready father! You have had me training since I was seven, I can take care of myself" Elijah said "and I believe you son, but please trust me" Julias continued "Elijah when I was young I went to explore the forest, and my father went to look after me, he saw me caught in a branch with tears in my eyes and cut me down to hug me and take me home but just before he could he got caught into the tree next to us after he cut me down, and I ran as fast as I could; back home to get my sister and she wouldn't listen. That night my father died even after I tried to cut him down, he told me to believe in what's not there and told me I was strong, but I shouldn't travel alone" Julias said as he hugged Elijah "I'm sorry father" Elijah replied then there was a knocking at the door "I'm not bothering am I?" said Bouthe "no not at all Bouthe, this is Elijah" said Julias "Elijah huh? Did you know you were named after the guilded armies most powerful warrior?" said Bouthe "yeah I do, father told me a while ago" replied Elijah "good, you have a powerful soul Elijah, don't let that go to waste, for now I need to talk to your father for a little." Bouthe said smiling "of course" said Julias "head to the library Elijah, Clara should be there now" Julias continued "Julias, I don't have much time" Bouthe said "of course I'm sorry Bouthe" Julias replied as he hugged Elijah and let him head to the library.

"Julias out fears have come true" said Bouthe as they walked down the hallway to the map room "what are you talking about Bouthe? What fears?" asked Julias "I heard those whispers from the past I've been spending time with the elves and we have concluded that Kunkin is starting the end of time and he's already teamed up with Gorra god of war, and Parath the goddess of peril it is finally known that Kunkin is the god of the end" and just as Bouthe said this a whisper appeared in Julias' ear causing him to pause in his step "you will lose it all" it said "all you love and you, will disappear" the whispers repeated "Julias! Julias" the whispers repeated until they turned into Bouthe calling Julias back into sanity "Julias are you okay?" Bouthe asked "yeah I am, Bouthe the real question is; are we?" asked Julias with fear in his voice "as of the moment yes, but I must be going Julias I only came to check up on how you were doing" Bouthe said "of course Bouthe it was nice seeing you again after so long" said Julias "likewise Julias and take care of yours" said Bouthe as he walked towards the main hall nearly hitting a few low candles with his head

The next day Julias woke up with Farry held tightly in his embrace "Julias, dear are you alright?" said Farry as she rested her head into Julias' chest "I'm fine Farry, it's just.. Bouthe came to visit yesterday and he didn't come with kind news" Julias replied "you won't be leaving again, will you?" she asked "I hope not Farry, by the gods I hope not" he replied just as the door slammed open and Elijah ran in "mother, father!" Elijah yelled happily "what is it little rascal?" asked Farry giggling lightly "look what I can do!" Elijah said as he started to woosh his hand in the air creating a light flow of golden energy in the air evaporating before it hit the bed "that's amazing son! Now wait till you can do something like this" Julias replied as he created a small teatime fountain with a water fall with a statue of Elijah in the center then Elijah was caught in the moment of awe as he sat down and poked the fountain to see that the water was real and so was the statue "woah that's amazing" Elijah said "take it, it's yours Elijah" Julias replied as Elijah took it and put it on his bedside table "Elijah?" asked Clara sitting at his door "can I tell you something?" she asked "sure you can, I mean we have been friends for quite some time now" Elijah replied "well, I don't think I'm capable of channeling magic like you are" she said "of course you are! You do have a soul don't you?" he replied giggling "well yeah but, I mean I don't think it's in my blood Elijah" she replied "why would you think that?" asked Elijah "well my parents were in the guilded army" Clara stated "well father is reforging the army back to its glory! Even if you can't use magic we'll be together till the end right?" Elijah said with a big smile "right Elijah" she said with a smile "look at this Clara, my father made it using magic and he said I could do it one day" said Elijah "it's so pretty "exclaimed Clara as they sat there smiling at the wonders of the future

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