chapter 9: memories

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Someone is falling forever they are in utter darkness and they start to think "I am not real, or am I, I'm thinking I am real" he then realized he was a man "I'm a human, but what is this I'm using? It's my brain a brain I have a brain it controls my body, my body controls my every movement" he then tried to remember "I am.. I am Julias. Of hyresteed of the guilded knights" he then started to remember his childhood.

"father, father!" Ailith yelled "father, Julias got stuck in the fountain again!" she continued from inside Julias' childhood home "oh Julias, he's just like me always on an adventure" his father said as he went outside to check on Julias "Julias you're just 3 years old you shouldn't be so adventurous until you're more grown and strong" he said as he helped Julias out of the fountain and hugged him "thank you for telling me Ailith I'll be sure to cook your favorite supper tonight"he continued "thank you father" she replied then the memory faded away "Ailith my sister and my father. I never learnt his real name I'll have to ask her when I get back home, home Hyresteed. Elijah." he thought and soon started to remember another memory of him and Elijah training in Julias' fathers yard "Julias watch your sides! You have to do better if you want to join the guilded army!" said a younger Elijah "I'm trying Elijah! It's not as easy as you make it out to be" said the young Julias "Julias just think of your sword as a brush, you like to paint right?" said Julias' father "alright father" he said as he swiftly brought his wooden sword to Elijah's and disarmed him by hooking his wrist around Elijah's handle "wow" Elijah said "you are really good,maybe we can be captain and lieutenant after all" Elijah said laughing then the father laughed as Julias sat there and looked at his hand then the memory faded out. "Elijah, captain the war, Farry.. Farry!" he then busted back into Farrys house a he looked around and realized its another memory "would you like some food?" Farry asked Julias then looked up to see a dark figure behind the lovely glowing woman "behind you!" he said as she started to turn into a skeleton "No! No!" as the memory faded and then he appeared in the warzone with all the dead bodies around him and he was covered in blood. He looked down and saw Elijah's face in the bundle of bodies "Julias you are the only one who can save us" said Elijah then Julias got hit in the back of the head by an object and turned to see the tall white man with an army of shadows then heard whispers in his ears "you will lose it all and gain all you want, but is this really what you want?" asked the whispers "I made a promise, I am Julias the mage raised human, I wish to fix all that has been wrong and I wish for no more death, I want all to be how its supposed to be!" Julias yelled at the whispers as he ran to the white figure and stabbed it "then so be it" they replied

Julias woke up inside Ailiths house "Farry!" he yelled as he woke up "Julias! You're awake! It's been months" Ailith hugged him as she said "everyone is outside waiting for you Julias. They told me its time you're gonna rule and care for this land" she said excitedly and Julias stayed quiet for a little "it's all over Julias. You've won the evil has been cleared we're all safe now" she said as Julias got up and hugged Ailith "I'm glad" Julias said as they both went outside to see Hasok, Jhuvik, Bouthe, Barsuk and Farry outside by the castle "Julias, I thank you from releasing me from my self prison Bouthe promised to take me to see the dwarfs and I'll be heading there soon, how about a hug for an old friend?" said Hasok as he hugged Julias "you're looking well Hasok" said Julias "and so are you Julias" Hasok replied "I can never thank you enough." said Hasok "but you already have" replied Julias happily "Julias I hate doing this but I have to head back home, to the forest. I'll be taking two seeds with me and we already planted some around the town, it was nice meeting you Julias" said Jhuvik "may we meet again" Julias replied "in this life or another" Jhuvik replied as he shook Julias' hand "Barsuk." said Julias "I have nothing to say human.. except thank you for trusting me" Barsuk said as he hugged Julias and started sobbing "we'll we must be off fellows my rune won't last long goodbye Julias and may we meet again" said Bouthe as they all left. "what about you?" Julias said to Farry as he looked at her "I'm already home" she said as she kissed Julias then immediately slapped him "never take that long again!" she said as she hugged him tightly "Farry I never had a chance to ask you, would you like to go out for dinner?" Julias asked with a smile on his face "I would love to Julias after your crowning ceremony, remember we have a lot of work to do before things become normal again." she continued "and you have me to help" said Ailith "well then let's get started" Julias said as he headed towards the castle grounds.

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