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Superboy finished packing all of his stuff in his duffel bag. He felt some more tears slip from his eyes and down his cheeks. He sniffled and wiped them away, trying to put on a brave face. M'gann had gotten mad at him for making fun of La'gaan. After arguing with her for a while, M'gann had said something that had cut him deep.

"You don't care about anything anymore! You're just a weapon now! No love or anything in your heart! I don't think you even have a heart anymore!"

Conner sat on his bed and urged himself not to cry. Holding back tears, he took a piece of paper and began writing.
M'gann knocked on Superboy's door. "Conner? Are you in there?" In her hands, she held a glass platter of his favorite cookies. "I just wanted to say...I'm really sorry. About what I said earlier. I shouldn't have said you were only a weapon. I was angry and out of line."

She waited for his response, but minutes went by, and there was silence. "Conner?" She punched in the passcode, and the door slid open. To her surprise, his room was empty. Maybe he went out to blow off some steam..., she thought. She was about to leave when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. A note was taped to his pillow. She walked over, took it off, and read it.

Dear Team,

These past five years have been the greatest of my life, but I think its time I moved on. I don't feel like I'm needed on the Team anymore. You guys have plenty of new muscle and brains. Not only that, but I can see I am no longer wanted by anyone, either. I believe its better for everyone if I leave. I need some time away, to find out who I am and what I should do. I don't know when I'll be back, or even if I'll be back. Just promise you won't forget about me. I'll always remember each and every one of you.

Goodbye, everybody.

-Conner William Kent

M'gann dropped her cookies as tears sprung into her eyes. "Oh, dear Mars...", she whispered. "What've I done?"

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