A Talk

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Conner swung his fencing sword back and forth as he defended his person from his opponent. It was a equally matched battle, and the two younger ones were on the end of their seats. Finally, Conner thrust his sword forward and brought the other to his knees. The fighter removed his mask to reveal himself as Miles Grimm. "Excellent form as always, Your Highness." Conner took off his mask. "You don't have to call me Your Highness all the time. Call me Conner." "Very amusing, Your Highness."

Miles had been the headmaster at Ever After High, helping the students prepare for their pre-written destinies. But his world and that of Ever After High had been turned upside-down when Raven refused to sign the Storybook of Legends. After she, Dexter and Henry King disappeared, he went to search for them, finding them in the other dimension, just in time to see Dexter and Raven marry. Amazed by this new world and humbled by Raven's happiness, he not only allowed them to stay, he offered his service to them. Henry made Miles Grimm the royal advisor to the King.

Sir Robin Hood stepped forward, clapping his hands loudly. "Miles is right. That was fantastic." He sighed as he shook his head. "Its a shame that Princess Eliza cannot join us today." "Who says I'm not?" All heads turned to the doorway to see Eliza in her fencing uniform, running in with her mask and her sword, her sisters close in tow. Miles stood on his feet. "Your Highness! You shouldn't be in here! Your grandmother—" "Won't be mad if she never catches me in here!", she explained, putting on her mask. Jason stood up. "But she will!" "You just don't want me here 'cause I always whoop your butt!" Jason pouted as Miles stood straighter. "Your Highness! Royalty does not use such language!"

Helen sat down, spreading her skirts out just so, and smiled at her older brother. "So, Con!", she asked. "How's it feel to be twenty-one?" Conner shrugged his shoulders. "No different." Even though he'd known Jason longer, he was closest to his sister, Helen, and vice versa.  They had many things in common, such as determined spirits, solid gold hearts, and love of knowledge, to name a few.  On free time, the first place you could find either of them was the palace library, reading a classic adventure novel, such as Moby Dick or The Red Badge of Courage.  Helen resembled her mother in nearly every way, from her looks to her kind, queenly nature to her passion of music in all forms.  Her raven black hair was always arranged in a neat bun, and she wore a sash in her favorite color, lavender, over her shoulder with whatever she wore.  In fact, all princes and princesses wore sashes of their favorite hues to symbolize their station in life, with almost all their outfits.

Conner walked over to the bench and put his sword down. "I don't know why everyone's making such a big fuss over this. Its just another birthday." Eliza pulled up her mask and exchanged worried glances with her brothers and sisters. Jason walked over scratching his neck. "Uh...Conner? There's something you should know."

Conner looked at him blankly. "What's that?" Jason bit his lip. "Well...twenty-one is the age when most Crown Princes and Princesses get..." He swallowed the lump in his throat. "...Married." Conner froze in place. "Married?!" The younger ones nodded. Conner's head was spinning. "I...I have to get married?! How?! I barely know any of the women in this place! And now I have to MARRY one?!" Helen stood up on her feet. "Conner! Relax! I'm sure Mama and Papa understand that you need more time. It'll be fine. You'll find someone to marry soon."

Conner bit his lip and looked at Miles and Robin Hood. "I need some privacy with my brothers and sisters." The two elder men bowed low at the waist. "Yes, Your Highness." They hurried out of the room and slammed the doors behind them. Conner looked around to check that no one else was with them. He took a deep breath and let it all out. "I don't know if I'll ever get married at all." Gasps rose up from the room. Ben looked at him with wide eyes. "NEVER?!" Conner shook his head. "Why not?!"

Conner sighed as he sat on the bench, fiddling with his mask. "Because...its a long story." He held his head in his hands. "My whole life, I've only ever loved one girl. She was my whole world. But she didn't want me anymore. Her love for me faded away. That's why I came to these shores. To find a better life." He looked up and ran his hand through his hair. "I've never loved anyone else. And I know in my heart that I never will." He stood on his feet. "I need some privacy. I'm going to my room."

He walked out of the palace gymnasium and down the long, winding, twisting halls of the royal palace towards his bedroom, Helen and the others watching him go with sadness and sympathy in their eyes. Halfway there, he stopped by the windows and looked up at the sky. The white clouds seemed to take on a form resembling the girl he lost. As he stared up at them, he couldn't help but wonder what M'gann was doing right now...

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