Mending Fences

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The very next day, the first thing that the Team decided to do with Conner and his brothers and sisters was take them to the amusement park.  Jason alone was, in a word, pumped.  The first thing he did when they got through the gates was grab Ben and Eliza and drag them towards the biggest, fastest, most nauseating roller coaster in the county, the Accelerator.  The Team freshmen ran after them, while Mal and Karen and Barbara and Rich took Aurora and Mary to the milder part of the park for simple rides.  That left Conner and Helen alone with M'gann and La'gaan.

Helen faced them all.  "So...what do you want to do?"  Conner shrugged his shoulders.  "I dunno...whadda you wanna do?"  M'gann tucked a loose hair behind her ear.  "I don't know.  What do you wanna do?"  La'gaan raised his hand, now disguised with olive skin, thanks to the glamour charm that Zatanna had given him.  "I know what we should do!", he cried, smiling.  "Let's all go on the Tunnel of Love!"

His suggestion made M'gann form sweat on her forehead.  "T-Tunnel of Love?"  She knew that if she went on that with La'gaan, it could ruin any chance with Conner she had left.  Helen stepped forward.  "That's a wonderful idea!  Let us go!"  She looked at the map and led them to the Tunnel.  They waited in line for ten minutes before the next available boat floated on.  "Me first!", La'gaan cried, pushing Conner aside to hop into the boat.

As he fastened his seatbelt, he felt someone else get in with him.  Putting on a suave smile, he put his arm over the edge of the seat and turned his head towards his seat-mate.  "Hello, Angelf-"  He jumped up.  "You're not M'gann!"  Helen shook her head as she buckled in and folded her hands over her lap.  "No."  "I thought you were gonna ride with Conner!"  She tilted her head in confusion.  "Wouldn't that be weird?  I mean, we are brother and sister."  La'gaan smacked himself on the forehead as the swan boat rode into the darkness.

Conner carefully stepped into the next boat and held out his hand to M'gann.  She blushed pink before taking it and stepping into the boat.  It shook for a moment, and she leaned onto him for support so they wouldn't tip over.  They locked eyes and blushed before looking away and sitting down as the boat floated into the tunnel.

All around them were famous couples of myth, history and literature.  Romeo serenaded Juliet on her balcony.  Marc Antony leaned over Cleopatra on her fainting couch.  Sampson held Delilah in his arms as he held told her the secret of his great strength.  Conner looked at them, impressed at how the builders had portrayed them.  But M'gann couldn't focus on any of them.  She couldn't tear her gaze away from Conner, the boy that had come back to her after she'd driven him away two years ago.

"Conner?"  He shifted his focus away from Sir Walter Raleigh laying his cloak in the mud for Queen Elizabeth I.  "Hm?"  M'gann looked at her hands folded on top of her knees.  "Conner...about what happened two years ago...I'm sorry."  She chewed on her lower lip.  "I shouldn't have said those terrible things to you.  I know how sensitive you are about being called a weapon.  I didn't mean any of it.  I was hurt and angry."

"What about La'gaan?", he asked.  "We broke up.", she sighed.  "After you left, everything changed.  Whenever I was with him, all I could think about was you, and how stupid I was to let you slip away."  Conner cocked his head, his interest peaked.  "How did he take it?"  M'gann shook her head.  "Not good.  He's still hoping we'll get back together.  But its not happening.  I'm in love with someone else."

Conner's heart sank.  The thought that he had flown thousands of miles and reunited with M'gann, only to find out she was with some new guy, made him want to vomit.  But he swallowed the lump in his throat and choked out, "So, whose the lucky guy?"  She looked up at him.  "Lucky?"  He forced a smile on his face.  "Sure.  Any guy would be lucky to go out with you.  So, what's his name?"

M'gann curved red lips formed the slightest of smiles.  "Conner."  He blinked twice before one of the corners of his mouth lifted up into a lopsided grin.  "Wow.  What a coincidence."
Helen and La'gaan stood outside the Tunnel of Love exit, waiting for Conner and M'gann.  Helen was being perfectly patient, as she always was, but La'gaan, on the other hand, was tapping his foot impatiently and snapping, "Where in the name of Neptune's Beard are they?", every ten seconds.

"Do calm down.", Helen said.  "I'm certain that they will be out at any moment now."  No sooner had she spoken, the swan boat glided out through the tunnel opening, two forms pressed against one another.  M'gann had her arms wrapped around him, while Conner had one hand pressed firmly against her back and the other in her short red hair.  Their lips were crashed onto each other, running over the skin around their mouths with passion and desire.

"ANGELFISH?!"  M'gann broke her kiss with Conner and spun around to see La'gaan gaping at them, while Helen's demeanor was perfectly calm.  Conner rubbed his neck and looked away from his sister and his rival.  Helen's deep green eyes darted back and forth between the disguised Atlantean and the newly reunited couple.  "So...anyone up for bumper cars?"

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