The Escape

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"An ARRANGED MARRIAGE?!"  Conner's voice shook the room ever so slightly.  Raven and Dexter sighed heavily.  "I know its a bombshell,", Raven said calmly.  "But Apple is a wonderful girl, and she'll make you a fine wife."  Conner shook his head, panic apparent on his face.  "But I barely even know her!  Who in their right mind willingly marries a person that they only just met?!"

Dexter quirked an eyebrow at his son.  "What do you suggest?"  Conner sighed as he sat down.  "Can't I choose my own fiancee?", he asked.  "Like you picked Mom?"  Dexter raised a finger.  "That was different.  We were in love, but it was an acceptable royal marriage.  I was a prince and she was a princess.  The royal court would be appalled if any member of the royal family, let alone the Crown Prince, chose a commoner as his wife."

Raven sat besides Conner.  "There, now.", she said to him in a soothing tone.  "I'm sure that after a few years, you and Apple will grow to appreciate each other."  She kissed him on the Temple before going off towards Dexter, who stood tall and proud in the doorway.  "The wedding ceremony will take place in a month exactly.", he said.  "Accept it, please, for the sake of Padaladia."  And with that, they left the room and closed the door behind him.  And a new fire ignited inside of their son.
Helen knocked on her brother's door.  "Conner?  Its us.  Look, I know the whole 'arranged marriage' thing may come as a shock, but...Mom and Dad are only doing it because they love you."  She and the others waited for his answer, but they got nothing.  She knocked again.  "Conner?  Are you in there?"  Still nothing.  Finally, Helen took the handle and opened the door.

She found Conner wearing a royal guard's uniform, and packing his things.  Helen hurried over to him.  "Conner, what are you doing?"  He looked up at her. "I'm breaking out of here. Tonight." "WHAT?!" Conner sighed as he slung his bag over his shoulder. "I need a break from all this. Everyday, its schedules, lessons, meetings, parties—its been wearing me down for months. But this arranged marriage is the last straw! I need to go into the real world and rediscover myself."

All the other princes and princesses shared blank looks at one another. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Conner, Helen looked at him. He waited for her to go on about the duties and responsibilities that came with being royalty, and to list off a million reasons why he shouldn't go through with this. Instead, she looked him square in the eye and said in a whisper, "We only have one request."

"Take us with you."
Dexter and Raven sat in their bedroom. Dexter wore a pale blue striped button-down nightshirt and long plain white pajama pants, while Raven wore a soft white flowing muslin nightgown trimmed with lace, her violet-and-black hair arranged in an extra-long braid down her back. She sighed as she looked up from the book she was reading. "Dexter, are you sure we're doing the right thing?"

Dexter combed his hair. "It may not seem fair, but its good for everyone in the long run.", he said. "Conner gets a good wife, Apple gets to be queen after all, and the royal family bloodline will continue. Everybody wins." Dexter climbed into bed with her. "Conner is just in the heat in the moment. He'll realize this is all for the best in the end."

He leaned over to turn off the lamp on their bedside when Miles came running in, panting and out of breath. "Your Majesties! The children are gone!" The royal couple sat up in their shared bed. "What?! What do you mean they're gone?!" Miles pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it before handing it off to Dexter, who put his glasses back on and read it aloud.

Dearest Mother and Father,

Our sincerest apologies, but my brothers and sisters and I need a breather from the royal life.  We need to go into the real world, experience life, and discover who we really are.  We have left behind all material possessions and taken only some clothes and the money that we have been saving for a rainy day.  We will return home when we feel like we have truly made the most of our freedom.  Thank you for understanding.

Your devoted daughter,
Helen Darling Charming, Princess of Padaladia

Miles was breathing very fast when Dexter finished reading the letter.  "Should I call the Royal Secret Service? Interpol? The FBI?" Dexter folded the letter back up as he and Raven shared a blank look. He looked back at Miles. "No." Miles blinked. "No?"

Dexter gave the letter back. "This will be good for the children. Give them a chance to get out, see the world, enjoy themselves, even if its only for a while. They'll sew their royal oats, and come back wiser, stronger, and ready to perform their royal duties." He climbed back into bed with Raven, who assured Miles. "We'll give them a month to themselves.", she told him. "And at the end of that time, we shall fetch them home, and Conner shall marry Apple."

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