Secrets Revealed

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M'gann came out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel.  She spotted three red roses lying on her bed with a note attached.  Oh, Conner.  You're so thoughtful.  She sat down and picked it up to read it.  "To my one and only Angelfish."  She groaned.  "La'gaan!"  "Knock, knock!"  She turned around to see La'gaan standing in the doorway, smiling at her.

M'gann frowned deeper, holding her fluffy white robe tightly against her body. "La'gaan, how many times do I have to tell you? We're through! Over! Done! Finito! I'm with Conner now!" La'gaan raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you mean Mr. Secrets?" M'gann glared at him, standing onto her feet. "What are you talking about?"

"Angelfish—" She shot him a look. "M'gann, he's not who he says he is! He's hiding something!" She put her hands on her hips. "How dare you! Conner would never lie to me! He trusts me, and I trust him." "Oh, yeah?", La'gaan retorted. "If he's not lying about anything, then why did that Padaladian guy act so jittery when he saw Conner?" M'gann's head shot up. "When did you see that? I don't remember you being there when it happened."

La'gaan suddenly got very nervous, twiddling his thumbs and looking up at the ceiling. M'gann stepped forward. "Were you spying on us?!" "M'gann, I mean it!", La'gaan cried. "Conner is a big fat liar, and so is his family!" "Enough!", M'gann shouted. "I'm sick of this! You're only saying those things because you're jealous!" She huffed at him. "La'gaan, do me a favor? Get a new girl, and stop trying to mess up my love life, because you're not getting back in!"

She pushed him out of her way as she shifted her white robe into a nice white blouse with no sleeves and a Peter Pan collar, and a black pencil skirt with matching color pumps. She strode down the hall, where Conner was waiting for her at the very end. "Hey, something wrong?", he asked her, concerned. "You look upset." M'gann brushed the bangs out of her eyes. "I'm fine."

He smiled at her. "Ready to go the museum?" She smiled back as she grabbed her purse and took out the brochure. On it were the details for the temporary exhibit on the history and culture of Padaladia. "I am so excited.", she gushed, grinning. "I can't wait to learn all about your new home country. It all sounds so fascinating!" Conner chuckled as he hooked his arm with hers. "Than we better get there before the line gets too long." She giggled as he led her off towards the Zeta tubes, not seeing the calendar with all the days marked with red marker—except for the very last one.
Jason and Ben were head to-head in an intense video game battle at Wayne Manor. Also in the game were Tim, Jaime, Bart and Garfield. The sound of blasters and explosions filled the air. Right outside the room were Rich, Barbara, Mal, Karen and Cassie, watching with amusement as the boys battled it out against each other.

At last, the game concluded. WINNERS—TEAM 2! Ben and Jason jumped to their feet, their hands up in the air as they whooped loud enough for the whole state of California to hear. "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!" They hi-fived each other. Rich let out a crisp laugh as he walked over to Jason. "Jase, you have no idea how much it meant to me, Bruce, Tim and Babs that you came back to us.", he said, smiling genuinely. "And it means even more to Miss Martian that Conner came back."

Jason smiled up at his older brother. "Thanks, Dick. Its been good to see you guys again, too. I didn't realize how much I missed having you guys around." The two former Robins hugged it out. "Aaaawwwwwwwwwww!" Bart stood up. "Well, crash people! I think its official! With both Supey AND Jason back, this has been the greatest month of our lives!" Everyone in the room cheered in agreement.

All of the sudden, the doorbell rang. "I will get it.", Alfred said, walking out if the room and towards the front door. As soon as he opened it, his jaw fell open and his eyes went wide. Standing right in front of him, were the most regal looking couple, dressed in the finest furs and silks Alfred had ever seen. And since he had been working for the über-wealthy Waynes for three generations now, that was saying a lot.

The man, tall and stoic, with the softest looking brown hair and mesmerizing blue eyes, cleared his throat. "I am King Dexterous Charming the First of Padaladia, and this is my beautiful wife, Queen Raven."  The lady, with silky black-and-purple hair and violet eyes that seemed to dance, gave Alfred a warm, friendly smile.  "Charmed."  Alfred could scarcely believe what was happening.  In all his years working for the Wayne family, they had never had any callers of royal blood.  "And to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"We are looking for our children.  I believe you know one of them as 'Jason'"  Alfred shook his head, his joy turning into confusion.  "Young Master Todd?  HE is your son?!"  Just then, Helen descended the staircase, wearing an old t-shirt over a black tank top with short-shorts and flip-flops.  When she looked up and saw her parents standing in the doorway, she screamed.

"Helen!", Raven cried, squeezing past Alfred and hurrying over to her daughter. "We've come to take you and your siblings home!" The rest of the Team filed into the main room. "Who are you?", Barbara asked. "I am her mother!", Raven said. Jaime scratched his head. "Wow...for a carpenter's wife, you sure are a snazzy dresser." Raven tilted her head. "What? A carpenter's wife? Who told you I was a carpenter's wife?"

All eyes turned to Helen, Jason and Ben. The middle one let out a deep, heavy sigh as he stepped onto the middle of the floor. "Okay, guess the jig is up." He looked at Dick and Tim. "Guys, our dad isn't really a carpenter." He gestured to Dexter, standing in the doorway. "He's the King of Padaladia." Jaws fell open. "Wait a minute!", Tim exclaimed. "If your dad's a king, than that makes you a...a..." Jason nodded. "A prince."

"Dude! Being royalty is totally crash!", Bart cried. "Why did you lie and say you were ordinary kids?!" Helen hung her head, staring at the floor, not daring to make eye contact with any of them. "We didn't want you to treat us any different. Back home, we had everything done for us, everyone decide who we would become, decide how our lives would turn out. We came here to take a break from all that. So we could live like normal people."

Dexter stepped into the manor. "I know, kitten, and your mother and I gave you and your brothers and sisters a whole month to be normal. But you've had your fun. Its time to go home now." He looked into the crowd. "Where is your brother?" "He's at the museum with Megan.", Ben said. Raven knelt before her youngest son. "Who is this Megan?"

"She's Conner's girlfriend.", Ben explained. "She's pretty and smart and really really nice! And Conner likes her a whole awful lot! In fact, he likes her so much, he says he's gonna marry her instead of Princess Apple!" Dexter and Raven stared at him, their eyes widening to the size of silver quarters. "He's WHAT?!"

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