The Planning

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It had been two weeks since the royal family had returned home to Padaladia.  They had settled back into their regular routine, but the kids still missed America and all their new friends.  Conner was the worst of them all, for the moment he had stepped back onto Padaladian land, King Dexter and Miles started planning another grand ball, where they would officially announce his engagement to Princess Apple.

"Music shall be provided by the Grand Padaladian Orchestra.  Pierre the Great, the most famous chef in the world, will be flown in from France to cater.  And you and Apple's ensembles for the event will be designed and created by only the finest of tailors and seamstresses."  Conner sighed heavily as Miles droned on and on about the arrangements for the ball.  Dexter noticed he seemed sad.  "Son?  You okay?"

He looked up at his father and smiled.  "I'm fine, Dad.  Just peachy."  Dexter looked at the smile, knowing in his heart of hearts that it was being faked.  Dexter thought that by now, Conner would have readjusted to royal life.  But he only grew sadder and sadder with each passing day.  "Meeting adjourned."  He stood on his feet and hurried down the halls to his bedroom.

There, Raven was in bed, reading to the other children.  Their heads shot up and silence fell upon the room when he entered.  For a minute or two, time stood still, as the children waited for their father to say something, anything.  At long last, he spoke.  "Make the call."  Raven smiled, ignoring the confused look on their children's faces, throwing the covers off her legs and getting out of bed.  She looked straight at her maid, ecstatic as a Queen could be.  "Marcy, bring the telephone."
"C'mon, Angelfish!"  M'gann shook her head.  "La'gaan, for the last time, I really think we'd both be better off if we just stayed friends."  He stomped his foot.  "Neptune's Beard!  Conner's finally exposed as the phony baloney that he is, leaves the States forever, and you're STILL pining over him?!"  "La'gaan, just DROP IT!"  And with that, she ran off.  La'gaan crossed his arms and grumbled to himself, "You can't turn me down forever.  Now that Superboy is finally out of the picture for good, you have no other option but yours truly."
M'gann lay on top of her bed, bawling her eyes out into her pillow.  "I'm such a fool...I can't believe I let you slip away again so easily..."  All of the sudden, her cell phone began buzzing as Katy Perry's "Extraterrestrial" played.  She picked it up and was about to press "Decline Call" when she saw the caller ID.  It said "Royal Palace, Padaladia". She pressed "Accept" and held the phone to her ear.  "Conner?"  "No, its not Conner.  Its me."  She blinked.  "Queen Raven?"

The lady monarch nodded.  "Yes, M'gann.  Look, I know you must be terribly upset at Conner for hiding his true identity.  But he only did it because he wanted you and all the others to treat him like a normal boy, not a prince."  Dexter took the old-fashioned telephone from her and held it to his ear.  "M'gann, is it?  This is King Dexter.  I wanted to apologize for how I treated you.  Conner's told me so much about you, about your kindness and generosity.  You may not be a princess, a queen or an empress, but you have more worth than most of the ladies of our court combined."

M'gann sighed as she traced the patterns on her bedsheets.  "What can we do about it?"  "Look out your window."  She was confused, but she obeyed anyway—and what she saw blew her mind.  Parked right outside Mount Justice was the private Padaladian royal family jet.  She ran outside, followed by the rest of the Team, too shocked to say anything.  "Hop right in.", Dexter told her.  "Next stop—the Royal Palace."
The security guards led M'gann and Garfield into the master bedroom undetected.  The Queen was there, waiting for them.  "So sorry for the secrecy, dear,", she said.  "But Dexter and I are planning for this whole thing to be a surprise."  "What is this 'whole thing'?", Gar asked with a raised eyebrow.  "I'll explain later.", Raven said, taking M'gann by the arm.  "Right now, we've gotta get to work.  We only have an hour before we can put this plan into action."

"What plan?", M'gann asked as the Queen dragged her into the next room and shut the door behind her.  Waiting for them inside the room were three teenage girls, not much older than fifteen or sixteen.  The first one had long auburn hair, similar to M'gann's, and forest green eyes.  There was some dirt on her clothes and under her fingernails, but she was wearing the most fabulous shoes and the friendliest smile.

The next one also had auburn hair, only it was cut short, and half of it was dyed purple.  She carried a special purse owned by hairstylists, containing scissors, curlers, blow dryers, flat irons, and other styling tools.  The last girl standing in line stood out among the other two.  Perhaps it was her naturally periwinkle-and-lavender hair.  Perhaps it was her sparkling yet blinding white teeth.  But most likely, it was the silver fairy wings sprouting from her back or the silver star wand she held in her hand.

"These are some old friends of mine.", Raven said.  "Ashlynn Ella, daughter of Cinderella."  She pointed to the girl with the gorgeous shoes, who waved friendly at them.  "Poppy O'Hair, daughter of Rapunzel."  The girl with the purple hair winked.  "And last, but certainly not least, Farrah Goodfairy, daughter of the Fairy Godmother."  The girl with the silver wings twirled her wand around.  Raven smiled at M'gann, who was still confused.  "You girls think you can help us out?"

Ashlynn held up a shoe box.  "Totally!"  Poppy took out a curling iron and a can of hairspray.  "For you, Raven?  Anything!"  Farrah twirled her wand around in fancy flourishes.  "I think we can wing it."
Gar paced back and forth in front of the door. He had been waiting on Raven and his sister for nearly two hours now, and he hadn't heard so much as a peep from the other side. He couldn't stop wondering what they were doing to M'gann behind that door. He just hoped it wasn't anything bad.

Just then, the golden swirl door handle turned with a click. Gar's head turned toward the door as it opened wide, and his eyebrows shot up high when he saw who was standing there. "M'gann? Is that you?"

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