Catching Up

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After the amusement park, the Team took Conner and his siblings to the Sock Hop, Happy Harbor's most popular 1950's diner.  Conner put down his menu and looked at Helen, staring at the list of things to order.  She looked almost as confused as when he and Jason had tried to explain rap music to her.  "You okay?"  Helen shook her head.  "What are these strange food names?", she asked.  "Fries with ketchup?  Philly cheese steak?  BLT?  That one doesn't even make sense?"  Jason put down his menu.  "BLT stands for bacon, lettuce and tomato.  Its a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich."

Conner passed his menu off to the waiter.  "I'll have a bacon cheeseburger, medium rare, no onions or pickles."  Jason cast off his.  "And I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich."  "And the rest of you?", the waiter asked.  "Bring us two macaroni and cheeses, one order of chicken nuggets, and a regular hamburger.", Conner told him.  The waiter nodded and walked off.

M'gann sat next to Conner, resting her head on his shoulder.  "You guys don't have French fries or hamburgers back home?"  "No.  Padaladia is a very old-fashioned country.", Jason explained.  "We do almost everything by hand, and the clothes are a little behind the times, too."  "So what do you guys eat?", Tim asked.  Eliza leaned towards him.  "Oh, we eat things like roast chicken, roast duck, roast turkey, roast pig..."  She listed them off on her fingers.  "Mashed potatoes, lamb chops, all kinds of steak...oh, and tea!  We drink lots and lots of tea!"  Cassie chuckled.  "Wow!  That sounds like a feast fit for royalty!"  Eliza's deep violet eyes, like those of her mother's, scanned the bare table.  "You could say that."

"There's also little to no electricity.", Conner said.  "We only use electrical power on emergencies.  And as for cell phones, computers and wi-fi?  Forget it."  Garfield nodded.  "Guess that explains why you never called."  La'gaan leaned back in his chair.  "No phones, no computers, no digital games...Neptune's Beard, no wonder you guys left."  Conner glared at him.  "That's not why!  We just needed a little break from the pressure, that's all!"

La'gaan stood up in his seat and pointed an accusing finger right at his rival.  "Running away from your problems?  Ha!  I knew it!  You're a wimp now!  Not a real hero, like I am!"  He moved next to M'gann and flexed his muscles in front of her.  "See, Angelfish?  He's not as brave as me!  He's nothing but a beefed-up coward!  Clearly, I am the superior boyfriend!  I bet Mr. Perfect doesn't even know how to fight anymore!"

All of the sudden, the doors flew open.  A stranger clothed all in black held up a large burlap sack and a gun.  "Drop what you're doing!", he shouted.  "This is a robbery!  Any you move, I'll blow your head off!"  Everyone in the diner stared in terror as the crook approached the cash register.  "Put the money in the bag!  NOW!"  The cashier quivered with fright as she opened the register and began gathering dollar bills.

The Team were frozen in their seats, their hands in the air.  La'gaan was hiding behind his chair, shivering like a Chihuahua.  Out of the corner of his eye, Conner spotted a mop right next to his chair.  Slowly and quietly, he picked it up and unscrewed the stringy end so that he was left with only a wooden pole.  "'Scuse me."  He slowly got out of his chair and walked towards the crook with soft, careful footsteps, pole in his hand.  "Conner!", M'gann whispered fiercely.  But he ignored her.

"C'mon!  Don't keep me waiting!"  The crook turned around to see Conner standing behind him.  "It would be wise for you to drop the weapon."  "And why is that?", the crook snapped.  Conner unfurled the pole.  "Engarde!"  Before anyone could blink, he knocked the gun right out of the crook's hands and jabbed him in the chest hard, knocking him to the floor.

"That's my cue!", Jason said, leaping out of his chair and bonding to the crook, pinning him to the ground.  Eliza darted over and slid onto the ground, snatching the gun from the floor before jumping back onto her feet and poiting the gun straight at the criminal.  Conner swung the pole over his shoulder.  "Helen, call the police."  Helen snatched a cell phone from Barbara.  "Where are the buttons again?"
The cops handcuffed the creep and led him towards the car.  The leader of the officers stayed behind to shake Conner's hand in congratulations.  "Great job.  We've trying to book this creep for months.  You're a real hero, son."  Conner chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.  "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without Jason and Lizzy."  "Well, than I guess you're all heroes today.", the cop said.  The twins beamed as the cop tipped his hat off to them on his way out.

M'gann ran over and gave Conner a tight hug.  "Conner, that was amazing!  Where did you learn to handle a weapon like that?"  Conner felt himself perspire.  Before he could say a word, Ben butted in.  "Fencing lessons!  Conner's the best in the whole class!  No one put him in the corner—literally!"  He got a hand slapped over his mouth.  "Fencing lessons?", Richard asked, his head cocked to the side.  Everyone waited for an answer.

Jason stepped forward.  "Yes!  Everyone learns how to fence in Padaladia!  Its a basic skill!"  M'gann smiled.  "Wow!  Fencing!  That's such a noble sport!  One that requires not brawn, but skill and cunning!"  M'gann smiled at her boyfriend.  "You really saved the day, Conner.  That officer was right.  You're a real hero!" 

Conner draped his arm over her shoulders, smiled at her fondly.  Then he caught sight of La'gaan, who was just standing there nearby, his eyes wide with disbelief, his jaw hanging open, his shoulders slumped.  Conner smirked at him, one of his eyebrows raised sarcastically.  "Who's the coward now?"

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