Jessie's Caleb blurb

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Jessie's POV: 

I sat in my history class, my favorite class of the day I have always been a history nerd. I was paying attention and taking notes as Mr. Ford talks about World War II.  He asks " In what year in America enter World War II?". I raise my hand and wait for him to call on me. " Jessie" he says picking me since I was the only one with my hand in the air.  " We entered world war two in 1941 after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7,1941" I say smiling as Mr. Ford says that was correct and very nice detailed answer. I feel a my eye twitch a little as I hear from the back of the room a voice say " Nerd". I turn in my seat to see the school jock Tim Monroe smirking in the back of the room. I just shake my head and face the front just letting what he said roll off my back. " Hey Nerd I was talking to you" he says. I don't turn around I pretend like I didn't hear him at all and keep taking notes and Mr. Ford keeps lecturing. Tim tries again to make me crack, " Hey Jessie do you like other nerd things like having no boyfriend and pleasuring yourself since you don't have a boyfriend?".  I jerk my head around cause that was just too far. "Shut up and pay attention maybe then you wouldn't have to waste what money you do have on paying Sheldon to do your homework.".

Tim grows quiet and actually follows my advice to pay attention in class for once. After class the bell rings and I start gathering my stuff so I can get to my AP Biology class." Hey Jessie!" I hear a voice call as I'm about to leave the room. I turn slowly around to come face to face with Caleb Rivers the new guy. "Um, Hey Caleb" I say as he leave the classroom together. "That was cool how you made Tim speechless in only one sentence not even teachers can do that" he says." Um thanks" I say feeling my cheeks heat up. "So what class are you off to now?" he asks as we make our way to my locker , I'm not even sure his locker is near mine. "AP Bio" I say as we arrive to my locker he leans against the wall next to my locker. "So what class do you got next? "I say pulling my book, binder, and folder out placing them between my knees as I put my history book and notebook back in my locker shutting the door." I got English with Mr. Fitz "he says sticking his hands in his pockets. " Oh , I have him third hour" I say as we start making our way to the AP Bio room. " Don't you need to go to your locker? You'll need Great Expectations for class today" I say looking over at him as we go upstairs. " Don't worry about that I'll get it after I finish walking you to class" he says. I blush and look at my feet then Caleb. " What?" he asks chuckling softly . " Um don't guys usually walk girls they like to class?" I ask tightening my grip on my books to keep them from falling.  " And they usually also carry their books" he says taking my books from me as he finish climbing both sets of stairs leading up to the third room. Time seems to be ticking so slowly , it's felt like it the five minute to get to class has already passed but a sideways glance to the clock say it's only been two minutes since History let out and Caleb and I started towards Bio class. " Then why are you carrying my books and walking me to class?" I ask as we arrive to the classroom. " Isn't it obvious?" he says more as a statement not a question. I blush deeper than before then, look up at him " You better run to get your book and get to class before the bell rings" I say . " See later" he says as he turns and leaves. I turn and go in the room and take my seat just as the bell rings. I look down at my book as I get comfortable in my chair.  On the brown paper bag I use as book a book cover there is a note

   " Dear Jessie, I would really like it if we could hang out sometime. Also just so you know , you're not a nerd you're smart. I find that hot . So if you want to hang you can text or call if you want at (XXX)-XXX-XXXX.


P.S. Just in case it's not obvious , I like you ... a lot ."

You weren't sure when he wrote this but the one thing you were sure of is you were going to text him later after you got home from school.   

A/N Note: Sorry it took me so long to get this written and up I hope you guys enjoy it 

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