You're secretly dating Mike blurb

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You have been dating Mike Montgomery yes as in your close friend Aria's little brother Mike. You two have been dating on the down low for about four months. No one other than you and Mike know about your relationship but with your luck -A- probably knows too. You want to tell Aria honestly because she is a really good friend but you are also scared of what is might say when she finds out. You also want to beat -A- to it if they know. So today when you meet Mike for coffee you are going to offer up the idea that you tell Aria but you don't want to tell Mike that -A- is one of your biggest reasons for telling Aria. You know it's not good to lie to Mike but you're not sure you ready to tell him about -A- yet. That is if he doesn't already know about them from Aria. 

*At the cafe* 

Mike I really think we should tell Aria we're together I don't like lying to her like this she is one of my closest friends. You're not lying to her you just haven't told her yet he says as he takes a drink of his coffee. I don't want to hide this from her anymore than you say crossing your arms over your chest. Come on babe don't be like this she is going to have a cow if she finds out. She'll have a even bigger cow if she finds out threw the grape vine so lets just be honest and tell her the truth you say. Babe how about we wait until she is less stressed to tell about us. If  I didn't know better I'd say you're ashamed of me Michelangelo! you say feeling tears come to your eyes. No! Babe not at all ! You're right Babe we should tell Aria I'm just afraid how she'll react to us dating. I am too Mike but we have to do it before she just finds out that will only make her more mad than she will be when we tell her. We'll  tell her when you  come over tonight to watch movies okay? Okay you say smiling feeling some pressure being taken off your shoulders. 

* that night at the Montgomery's house* 

Hey y/n! Aria says happily when she opens the door to see you. Hey you say smiling at her. Mike was coming down stairs as you and Aria sat on the couch chatting. Hey he says sitting on the opposite end of the couch than you and his sister. So what bring you over? Aria asks . You take a deep breath then start from the easiest point, I need to tell you something you say your ears already burning. What is it she ask her eyes look concerned. You take another deep breath and say what is on your mind. I have been dating Mike for four months without telling you , I'm sorry I should of told you from the start but I was dumb and a chicken and didn't tell you I'm sorry you say. By the time you had all that said  Mike was by your side holding you hand looking into his older sister's eyes as if trying to read her thoughts. She was silent her big hazel eyes flickering but it wasn't anger or disappointment it seemed to be confusion mixed with a  little bit of joy.  Aria please say something you say biting you lip. Wow is all she says but she hugs you both. Are you mad? you ask still chewing your lip. No just a little surprised is all she says. After that all three of you watched movies until you all fell asleep in a pile of cuddles and sleep. 

A/n : Mike's name in the  books is short for Michelangelo, so I used it here but I do believe it's Michael in the T.V. series I'm not even 100% sure they call him anything past Mike. I just like Michelangelo  better and I think it's cuter. 

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