He asks you to homecoming

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Caleb: You two had been hanging out almost everyday since you had meet. So when homecoming was coming up soon.  You had started kind of having a small crush on Caleb, so you were hoping Caleb would ask you. As time dwindled away, it was the week of homecoming and nothing had happened. You were starting to give up hope and were making plans to go to homecoming with Emily just as friends. You had just told Emily you'd buy your ticket after school when Caleb meet you at your locker. Hey you say slinging your bag over your shoulder.  Hey, Y/N do you have a homecoming date yet? Well no, I'm going to homecoming with Emily just as friends why? Well if Emily wouldn't mind , would you like to go with me instead? No she won't Emily says from behind Caleb. Neither one of you had seen her walk up. Are you sure Em you ask looking at her. Yeah go with Caleb, just save me a dance she jokes going to meet up with Aria and Spencer.  So you settled everything with Caleb , that you two where going as a date not just friends. 

Mike: You had been enjoying hanging with both Aria and Mike. You had started crushing on Mike but you'd never admit that to anyone especially Aria. You secretly hoped that Mike would ask you to homecoming and if that happened Aria wouldn't hate you forever. A week before homecoming, you were at a lacrosse game with Aria cheering for Mike.  Mike had just scored the winning point, you jumped up cheering as loud as possible. You jumped and cheered wildly , Aria laughed at your enthusiasm. After the game Aria went talk to someone leaving you alone in the bleachers. You were day dreaming when you felt a lacrosse stick lightly tap your knee. You look up to see Mike holding a sign that said " If you went to homecoming with me we'd dance la-crosse the floor all night". You blushed brightly but then worked up your voice to say Yes. To your surprise Aria wasn't mad at you for going with Mike she was actually happy about it. 

Toby: You had gotten requited and were getting quite close . You would even dare to say you two where starting to have crushes on each other.  So you were elated when you seen the a note from Toby was hanging on your locker when you go to school that morning. Since Toby knew you loved Supernatural ( sorry if you don't) they note said " Driver will dance with Shot gun and shut  his cake hole, go to homecoming with me-Toby".  You went to find Toby and told him you would love to go as long as he was the one shutting his cake hole not you. 

Jason: Jason was just simple he gave you roses and asked you at your locker after school. You were a little weirded out but it still made you happy. ( Sorry my creativity is running out) 

Ezra: He had found out your were old enough to go out with him. You two had been being super sneaky with seeing each other. So it came as no surprise to you when you two had to keep it on the down low that you were going to homecoming together . You were " riding solo" to homecoming you had bought a single ticket. You were planning  to meet Ezra at the dance and pretend you two just hanging out because your friends had ditched you. 

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