You dye your hair

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Jason: You had grown tired of your current hair color so you decided to spice up your look with a zany hair color. Jason was away on a trip with his buddies so you saw it as the perfect time to do it and surprise him. You took your blonde hair and dyed it magenta. The bright pinkish red was perfect for you and you couldn't wait to show your boyfriend when he got home. A week passed of you wondering what Jason would think. Finally it was the day he came home, you were in the living room watching t.v. . I'm home! he called walking into the house after a long trip back home. In the living room you say waiting for the moment of truth. Y/n? you dyed your hair he says slowly approaching you. Yes, don't you like it? you say frowning thinking he didn't like it. Of course I like it y/n it totally cute , I just wasn't expecting it that's all he says smiling. So I surprised you? you ask smiling . Yup he says kissing your forehead. 

Caleb: He knew your rebel soul couldn't be tamed for long, you hadn't done anything wild or spontaneous in a while. You where growing restless with how you looked so you let your rebel soul free with a corky new hair color. You took your naturally black hair and made it a rainbow with blue, green,and purple, You looked like a unicorn threw up on your head but you love it. You went to surprise your boyfriend with you wild new hair. You were almost to his apartment when you felt your stomach churn. What if he didn't like it? You felt your stomach do flips and rolls but you kept going. You knocked on the door waiting for Caleb. He answered he looked shocked then a smile spread across his face. You look great he said inviting you in. You like it? you sort of question. Yes he says kissing you cheek, I knew the rebel in you couldn't stay dormant. You smile and kiss him on the cheek as well. 

Mike: You had made a bet with your friend to see who could go longer with not talking to their boyfriend the loser had to bleach their hair since both of you had dark hair. You had lost with in a hour when Mike texted wanting you to come over. He knew about the dumb bet because you asked him if he'd like your hair if it was blonde. To here you were on the floor in your bathroom with Mike bleaching your dark locks. I'm scared you whine looking at the bleach and shampoo combination your sister in cosmetology school suggested. Don't worry baby it'll look fine he says rubbing your shoulder. What if it turns orange ? you ask looking up at him. I'll love your hair no matter what now put that goop in your hair he says. You look unsure at it then look at Mike again. I'll put some in my hair too he says getting on the floor from on the counter. Really? you ask looking into his blue eyes. Anything for you babe he says smiling. You put on rubber gloves and carefully put the bleach threw your hair feeling a slight burning feeling. You help Mike put a very small amount of bleach in his hair. Aria comes in to see you laughing at Mike's twitching at the feeling of the bleach. You both laugh and about twenty minutes later you were at the tub rinsing your hair and Mike rinsed his in the sink. You towel your hair and looked at the results. You hair had went from chocolate brown to a blonde color. Mike's thank god had only went a shade lighter from his original brown color. Looking good babe he said looking at you, you too you say smiling. 

Toby: You were a ginger naturally. You were getting sick of all the people picking on your for no other reason than that your hair is red. So you decided enough is enough and dyed your hair black. Like raven black, to your surprise it didn't wash you out at all. You dyed all you head hair and your eye brows. You were a lucky ginger and didn't have freckles to clash with your new hair color. Toby was shocked when you meet him at The Brew without your ginger locks. He looked in aw as you sat next to him flipping your raven hair over your shoulders. I love it he says starting to play with it. Thanks you says smiling you were glad Toby like your new hair. You hoped this would stop some of the teasing. In the end it did help a bit but some people just kept going because they liked to pick on you for now complete reason. 

Ezra: You were sick of your boring blonde hair so you jazzed it up by adding highlights to your hair. You put bold stripes of blue in your hair. You sat in your usual spot in class waiting for class to begin. Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer looked in shock as the came into class. Wow y/n you weren't kidding when you said you changed your hair Emily said smiling as she ran her fingers threw you r hair. So cute Aria said. It's so cool Hanna says playing with a section. I would never be so brave Spencer says. After class Ezra stops you and wait til everyone's out shutting the door. Wow! y/n you hair looks so great he gushes . Thanks Ezra you say sitting on his desk he shut the curtain in the door before wrapping you in a hug and plays with some of your hair. It's so cute he says kissing your cheek. Thanks you say again your cheeks turning red. 

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