Homecoming part 2

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The dress above is the dress you wear :) 

Caleb:  You guys had agreed to meet up at the dance because the girls want to get get ready together and all the pre dance stuff together.  You were busy helping Aria and Spencer with finding their feet under their dresses to put their shoes on. When Hanna came up to you, " Hey , Y/n you haven't even started getting dressed do you plan on going in your sweat pants?" she jokes pulling you up to your feet and finishes helping Aria and Spencer. You go to your closet and pull out your dress, you start putting it on. When you girls finally finished getting dressed and taking pictures you're on you way to the dance. You can't wait to see what Caleb thinks of your dress. As you go into the dance Emily stops you mid pace. Wait here she says walking into the dance ahead of you, as if the other girls knew what she was doing they stay back with you in the hall. A couple minutes tick by and the other girls peek in the dance then push you to enter before them. As you walked in threw the beautifully decorated arch you see Emily guiding Caleb's gaze up at you. His jaw hit the floor , he was taken away by how pretty you were. As you meet in the middle he took you by the hand leading you off into a quiet place so you could hear each other.  " You look so beautiful and you are all mine tonight" he says grinning leading you out on the dance floor. As you dance the night away you did see some boys casting envious looks Caleb's way. 

Toby:  He was picking you up at your house, you were nervous in the first place then to top it off your big brother was breathing threats about Toby taking you out. He didn't like Toby at all and he was very upset that his baby sister was going out with him. You were all ready just waiting for Toby to get there. You paced a little up in your room, you weren't as nervous about going out with Toby as you were about what your brother was going to do. You heard a door shut in the drive way and you took off like a bullet to get to the door before your brother. But you mom stopped you at the top of the stair and told you she'd handle things and for you to wait and surprise Toby with how pretty you look. You stop and backed up so you were out of anyone downstairs view. Your brother was already opening the door but your mom swooped in a save Toby before your brother got to him.  Now, Andrew leave him alone she said inviting Toby in.  I'll go get Y/n she said going to the foot of the stairs. Y/n! Toby is here come down so I can get some pictures. You slowly walking down the stairs coming into view . Toby's breath is taken away when he sees you. Wow, Y/n you look just amazing he says standing and walking over to you. Thanks you look great too you says blushing softly.  Drew can you get the boutineer for me you ask looking at your brother. He grumbles as he walks into the kitchen returning with the boutineer you bought for Toby. You pin it on his jacket and then he slips the corsage he got you on your wrist. Your mom takes about a billion pictures before she says you two can go. Before Toby can help you into his truck Drew stops him. Now you listen to me Cavanaugh and you listen good, you hurt her and you'll be sleeping six feet under you got me? Yes I do and I promise I'll never hurt Y/n ever and you can put me six feet under if I do. You and Toby had a blast dancing all night long. 

Mike:  You and Aria decided to get ready together at her house. You were almost done with your prepping for the dance when  someone knocked at Aria's bedroom door. Who is it ? Aria asked threw the door. Mike , Aria can you tie my tie? sure just give me a minute she say turning to you. Where am I suppose to go you whisper. Get your fluffy butt in the closet she says point to her closet. You go over squeezing the fluff of your dress and shuffle into the closet. Aria shuts the door and goes over to her bedroom door and opens it. You hear Aria talking with Mike as she does his tie. You really thought I was going to spoil the surprise of what Y/n's dress looks like. Well kinda he says you can picture his smirk as he says that. A couple of very hot minutes later Aria says the coast is clear and you can come out of hiding.  After pictures and all that good stuff you are on your way to the dance.  You spent that night dancing and laughing it was one of the best homecomings you ever had. 

Jason:  You two agreed to meet at the dance to cancel any family drama. Since you had been bullied by Ali  your families didn't see eye to eye. But you did like Jason,  because he wasn't the one who hurt you it was Ali. So you waited patiently for him to arrive, you left him time for fighting with his parents and other things like traffic. At thirty minutes late you were giving up hope and were going to go into the dance a salvage your night. When you heard someone run up behind you, you turn to see Jason. Hey he huffed out at you offering the corsage out to you. You take it your frown dissolving into a smile. What took you so long you ask taking out his boutineer . My mom she was going off the deep end about what your mom is going to say and blah blah blah he says. You look up at him shaking your head pinning his boutineer to his shirt since he wasn't wearing a jacket. He puts your corsage on and links arms with you and headed into the dance. As you were walking in the song " Check Yes Juliet " by We The Kings was playing. As you two started to dance the line " They'll tear us apart if you give them the chance Don't sell your heart ; don't say we're not meant to be" was playing. You leaned up and said in Jason's ear, " They'll never give them the chance to tear us apart and don't worry I am not selling my heart or saying we're not meant to be". All he said back in your ear was " Good". As weird or lame as it may seem that moment you'll remember forever. 

Ezra: You meet at the dance and he took you into a corner were no one really could see you two. You were dancing , you weren't disappointed but you weren't thrilled either.    What's wrong Y/n? Ezra asks as he spins you. It's nothing you say faking a smile. Tell me, I can tell when you're upset he says pulling you in closer. It's just I wish we could be like the other couples here and dance in the middle were everyone else is.  Ezra sucks in a sharp breath then says " Lets go". Wait what? you say looking shocked. What about you job? You could get fired for this! you say. I know what the risks are y/n but to me you are worth those risks now lets go dance. You let him lead you into the middle of the dance floor you two danced all night. To your surprise no one noticed Ezra as the new English teacher.  That no one asked why you were dancing with Mr. Fitz .  And that Monday much to your surprise and delight Ezra wasn't caught and didn't getting in one once of trouble. You were glad you were able to have fun and not get in trouble for having your teacher boyfriend as your date to homecoming. This was going down in history in your memory book. 

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