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 evannegreen: shades shades shades

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evannegreen: shades shades shades. also, watching CA:TWS and I'm crying at how perfect Bucky's hair is. #loreal #becausebuckysworthit
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lolalols: but your hair tho

greensevannes: when is the next episode of agents of shield on tho?? I love agent williams, you're amazing bae.

yanahannah: HA LOREAL imsebastianstan

eveparamore: everyone tag seb so he can see this imsebastianstan

evannegreen: greensevannes AOS season 3 will be announced soon babe, and thank you glad you enjoy her!!! (I enjoy being her)

youni: imsebastianstan Bucky hair appreciation squad 🙏🏻

l0st0c34n: but will agent williams get w/ fitz??

imsebastianstan: l0st0c34n I hope not because I have hopes for Bucky.

evannegreen: imsebastianstan hmu and we'll work out some Barnes/Williams lovin' and then convince some writers @ marvel

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