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 evannestan: I love to cuddle things so you should totally come to the next con and cuddle me to d e a t h 5,105 likes 5,003 comments

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evannestan: I love to cuddle things so you should totally come to the next con and cuddle me to d e a t h
5,105 likes 5,003 comments

imsebastianstan: I'll cuddle you to death right here right now

evannestan: do it sucka imsebastianstan

monamona: you confirmed for another con? Totally missed Wizard World😩

evannestan: monamona yes!!! That's why I'm doing this next one, kinda harsh for those who couldn't come.

xxrhee: bless ur heart

peggsterrogers: OMG I have so many ideas for photo ops

drellastella: is Seb cuddling you rn?

imsebastianstan: drellastella I'm latched on like a squid rn

evannestan: drellastella he is 💜

hannahsxa: if Evanne is going does this mean Seb is too??

kornazxz: PHOTO OP WITH EVANNE AND SEB!!! hannahsxa

hannahsxa: omg OTP photo op yes please kornazxz

evannestan: totally see what I can arrange hannahsxa kornazxz

cerulean: how do you even do that messy bun trick because when I do it it's like I've been electrocuted?

 evannestan: when @ cons and your doing photos ops bring props because it'll be even funnier 5,102 likes 5,047 comments

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evannestan: when @ cons and your doing photos ops bring props because it'll be even funnier
5,102 likes 5,047 comments

laurenjoneys: totally bringing my SHEILD gear

evannestan: yes! laurenjoneys I miss my SHIELD peeps

youthfulwaters: can i being my dog?

evannestan: youthfulwaters I want to say yes but idek normally depends on venue and stuff??

imsebastianstan: I'm bringing my fine self and smooching you in front of the camera

evannestan: you do that a heads dork imsebastianstan

drellastella: I have two winter soldier metal arm props so we can both be winter soldiers

evannestan: YEA!!! drellastella did you know there is actually more than one winter soldier how cool would it be to have Williams become one?? I mean I know she's an agent but this is marvel in my mind... BRING IT

myghostssx: I just want a photo with Evanne and Seb omg this is great

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