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It has finally happened, ladies and gentlemen. Our favourite MCU couple has finally confirmed their relationship thanks to their many Instagram posts about/with each other:

 Our favourite MCU couple has finally confirmed their relationship thanks to their many Instagram posts about/with each other:

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[It's okay, Evanne, Sebastian makes us crazy too.]

 [We love purple on Evanne, and we like Sebastian a lot too

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[We love purple on Evanne, and we like Sebastian a lot too.]

We just couldn't  handle their flirting any longer but luckily they confirmed their relationship with the following posts.

] We just couldn't  handle their flirting any longer but luckily they confirmed their relationship with the following posts

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[Blond Sebastian? We love it!]

 [Evanne looking as fierce as always]

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[Evanne looking as fierce as always]

Marvel fans everywhere are rejoicing about their coupling but Sebastian Stan and Evanne Green fans are partly in mourning because of their coupling: who doesn't want to be in a relationship with either of them, but you can't deny that they're amazing together.

We just hope their characters finally gather their courage to get together as sadly in Captain America: Civil War they didn't get together 100%, not that they didn't have cute scenes together which you will see in our next article!

Let us know what you think about #SEVANNE!

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