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evannegreen: I finally had an excuse to wear this cute skirt and to get chow mein imsebastianstan 2,002 likes 1,973 comments
sonofcoul: I bet she only went out for chow mein
evannegreen: sonofcoul partially true
insebastianstan: sonofcoul evannegreen the other part was to show off her outfit, although a measly 5% was because she wanted to go out with me.
evannegreen: imsebastianstan again, partially true. You're not so bad to hang around with.
monamona: I ship it already
cerulean: same monamona
robertdowneyjr: I'm going to pull a Sebastian and complain about not going out too.
robertdowneyjr: what the hell guys I wanted to go out too I wanted food
evannegreen: don't worry boo I got you robertdowneyjr
evannegreen: to go bag full of chinese robertdowneyjr
robertdowneyjr: ... Carry on evannegreen
chrisevans: imsebastianstan did you bring extra food?
imsebastianstan: no? chrisevans
chrisevans: imsebastianstan well rude
evannegreen: if paul rudd was here... chrisevans imsebastianstan
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evannegreen: the balloons captured his attention more than me but it's okay, I'd do the same.
ghostlywater: was that a sick burn or what
imsebastianstan: I'm feeling so attacked right now
imsebastianstan: although they were pretty nice balloons.
evannegreen: I bet chrisevans wouldn't compare me to balloons
chrisevans: want to get some food m'lady?
evannegreen: a man after my own heart chrisevans
imsebastianstan: what the hell
chrisevans: seriously I'm buying food tonight
evannegreen: you are a god chrisevans
imsebastianstan: evannegreen no that's hemsworth.
evannegreen: imsebastianstan well he's not bringing me food now is he? Evans is a close second to being a god.
chrisevans: damn right I am
cerulean: true
picklepi: true
rearee: true
queuu: true
monamona: is the key to evannegreens heart food?
evannegreen: yes is it, it's more or less and engagement ring if you buy me food monamona
imsebastianstan: evannegreen so wait I just got us food the other night, are we engaged?
evannegreen: imsebastianstan oh dang
evannegreen: imsebastianstan you like balloons more than your own fiancé?