Chapter 7

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You layed in the guest bedroom at Toriel's home. You decided to call her after the cop had left. You seemed to get light headed and did not trust yourself getting home. The plan was for her to take you home, however when she saw you in the state you were in, she insisted you to come home with her. You sigh at the thought of the ghost. Did he make it home safely?

"Would you like some tea I made", King Asgore had asked in his deep dark voice.

"That sounds great, sir", you replied politely. You winced as you sat up. Even though Toriel had healed you, you still felt sore and weak.

"No need to be so polite with me, I may be the king of all monsters but I'm still just like everyone else, just with a crown", Asgore chuckles as he says this. You sipped your tea as a reply. You two were silent, you had no idea what to say. It felt odd to be in the Kings presence. His demeanor commanded authority yet at the same time it asked for you to be relaxed. You decide however to take what he said. He is right. Even if he is the King..

"Does anyone else know what had happened (y/n)", he asked pulling your thoughts. You nod your head.

"I called my grandmother but she didn't answer. I left a voice mail. I also told my manager and the cop who came by."

"Ah, ok. Well, I better let you rest. You seem to be exhausted. Get some sleep", he stated as he left you. You exhaled deeply, you couldn't go to sleep even if you wanted to. Your thoughts were going a hundred miles per hour and they don't seem to slow down any time soon. You take our you phone to see what time it was. Seven o'clock, you groan at your phone.

Sansters: Hey bud, you off work yet?

(Y/n): yeah

Sansters: oh ok. Wanna hear a joke?

Sansters: why wouldn't the bicycle work?

Sansters: it was two tired.

(Y/ n): good one

Sansters: you ok kid?

You ignored the text. You didn't feel like much talking, or answering that particular question. You had no idea if you were ok. You felt saddened but yet numb. Something about that kid, Kyle. He seemed so familiar. It's as if you knew him before but you don't remember. He was a complete stranger, yet it felt like somehow you were linked. You head gave a sharp pain, like someone stabbing you. The world then went black.
'Ring ring'. 'Ring ring', the phone buzzed in Sans shorts. Hmm, a call from King Asgore. Strange... this goat to be great. Sans laughs at his mental pun as he pushes the button to accept the call.

"Yellow", he lazily answers.

"Sans, we are on our way to pick up Frisk".Sans gives a confused look. I thought they allowed Frisk to stay for another night since it was still summer. "Frisk is needed as the ambassador", Asgore explains.

"Welp, I'll get them ready. Did something happen?", Sans asked. He knew that some humans made Frisk job harder than needed to be. Way more than it needs to be.

"Well there seemed to be altercation... two humans tried to fight a ghost monster but (y/n) stepped in. From what she says the ghost fled as did the humans." Sans stopped dead in his tracks. Did he hear that right?
You heard a cry in the distance, you looked around to find the source of the cry. It was a babies cry.

A tall figure was hunched over the small baby, who seemed barely old enough to crawl. You watched the tall figure pick up the child and give a wide smile.

"H-hey get away from h-him" , a young female about the age of four shakily called out to the figure.

"How curious", the figure whispered as he turned around. It was a skeleton who had two cracks on his face , one going up from an eye socket. The other, was on the other side and was running down. He stood tall with a lab coat on and glasses. He had a hole in his right hand. Something about this seemed to fill you with fear and familiarity. The mysterious skeleton started to reach out to the young girl. You screamed but they didn't seem to hear you. You screamed for someone to help, since it seemed you were frozen to the spot. But nobody came.

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