Going insane

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(warning! detailed torture and triggers! if you can not read please skip to the next chapter or til you see {_______}.... you all have been warned)

Have you ever wondered what its like to slowly lose your sanity? How its like to know your own family isn't looking for you and to question your own self? Well its not a good feeling. With every second of being tortured is another slip away from my sanity. It has been a couple of months before my "host" decided to remove my blindfold and released my arms, but they never let me leave that locked room beneath the house I was in. Sometimes I would hear voices I know, like Luciano or Kuro asking my "host" if they had seen my any, at those times I would bang on the door, screaming to them that I was there but my screams were never heard. Not once did they even stop in front of the said door or even attempt to open the door.

That's also around the same time when the torture began to get worse. I still wish he would have stuck with the knife cutting, even though its against all I believe. This man started putting poison in my food in small amounts so it doesn't kill me but will still make me very sick. I often found myself wishing him to just to end me, to stop this madness and let me rest peacefully but he would only cackle at me and leave the room. While other days I would sit there and scream at him, wishing horrible things upon him, then get beaten for foul language.

This man... This horrible, evil man, that looks just like my dear sweet (and slightly annoying) papa. I only have recently learned his name, Oliver Kirkland. I also learned that if I played like I was sleeping I could avoid the horrible things he had planned for a few hours, giving myself just a just enough time to prep myself so I wont be surprised as to what his sick plan was.


"Cupcake time to get up now." I heard, feeling Oliver's hand running through my hair, as if feeling the softness of it. I bit my lip, not opening my eyes. He then sighed, injecting a needle in my neck and making me fall into a deep, deep sleep.

When I woke up, I found myself in a large bedroom, barely any memory as to how I got here. It was like everything that had happened to me never happened. I slowly looked around the room, taking note how it looked like a infirmary when the doors opened.

I quickly looked over to the door seeing Lutz and Papa run in as Oliver slowly walked in, acting as if nothing happened. He even walked over and stuffed a thermometer in my mouth before leaning into my ear.

"It was nice playing with you me precious cupcake~ Say one word of this and I will kill you dear~" he threatened and turned to Papa. "She is good to go home, whom ever attacked her really did a nasty job, she might not be the same as she use to be." he said, walking out of the room.

"Gwen dear, you have no idea how worried I have been about you." Papa cried, hugging me tightly. Even though I knew I was safe, I didn't hug him back, I just sat there in shock.

"H-He's letting me go? Did he get bored of me?" I thought, then roughly shook my head. "Why should I care, he hurt me!"

"Arthur, we should go, its getting late and I'm sure Gwen wants to go home" Lutz said, picking me up from the bed and carried me out to the car as Papa thanked Oliver for "Finding" me. If only they knew the dark truth of what truly happened to me.

"I wonder how the would the react towards the truth?" I asked myself before I fell asleep in Lutz's arms, relaxing knowing that I'm safe with both of my fathers.

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