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Mom was the first one home, her big expensive bags carried in by her own personal staff. Her PA was there too, a short, skinny man called Pierre that was always around her, basking in her beauty.

"Oh my beautiful baby girl!" she cried out, throwing her arms open wide and giving me a tight, short hug. I kissed her lightly on the cheek.

"Hello mom," I replied to her.

"Come come, I have so much to tell you!" she said cheerfully.

She led me in to the living room to tell me all about her travels in the past 3 years; from France (where she got Pierre) to Britain, to even Russia playing in small roles in different movies in those places. What can I say though, she's beautiful and multilingual. Everyone wants her in their shows.

She had got back to the United States about 6 months ago, finished a small Netflix movie about 2 months ago, and had been living in her apartment for the rest of the time before seeing us and heading to Washington.

"Look at you grow," she looked at me after filling me in on her past 3 years. "Sometimes it saddens me that I never got to see you mature."

You are the one who made me mature, I wanted to bite back, but I held my tongue.

After a few more minutes of talking, Pierre timidly knocked on the door. "Miss," he addressed my mom, "dinner is ready."

"Thank you dear." She rose gracefully then turned to me, stretching a hand out towards me.

I accepted it and rose.

Dinner with the family was less than warm. Lukas had brought home one of his new things and she was sitting at the table right across from Laura, who sat next to me. Mom was at the head of the table.

As the food was served there was silence, the other girl at the table ending it. She giggled, looking at Logan. He was smirking at her.

"So, what is your name?" I asked conversationally.

"I'm Ashley," she replied, a blank look overcoming her features. Then Logan did something and she giggled. She looked so dumb and plyable.

I guess that's it for the conversation at the table.

After dinner everyone went to their respective rooms. I didn't have to clean because of the maids mom brought, so I read some histology on the town.

The last book I had read was about the founder of this city, Edward Monroe. He had come from a family of pioneers who had moved here basically right as the civil war ended and the land was being split up. Interestingly enough, they were the family that actually proposed splitting all the land up. It went through because there were a lot of slaves in the area. This became the small town where many former slaves came. It didn't actually have a really high population until around the 1970s. Then white people began moving here and made the upper side right where I'm living. I still like going around the old shops that are still family run. They have the charm the the upper side is lacking.

The book in my hands was left unopened, my thoughts drifting off into space. I drifted off along with my thoughts.

I was woke up in the very early morning, the slam of a door crashing through my dreamless sleep.

I jumped out of bed, glancing at the clock to read the time. It was 3:30 in the morning.

I then ran down the stairs the the entrance of the house. There, standing in all his splendor, was my dad, who I hadn't seen in a little over 5 years.

"DADDY!" I screamed, feeling like a young kid again as I ran into his arms.

"Hey my beautiful daughter," he said softly, as was his way.

I helped him get settled in, even though he brought his own help. His PA was a very tall, beanpole of a man named Frederik. He had military shaved strawberry hair and freckles that made him look younger than his 21 years.

It was a little after 4 that I got dad and Frederik situated in their rooms. Then I got myself ready for school. I showered, shaved, and brushed my hair out. Then I got an outfit that was suitable to my mother and lay it out on the bed. There I sat, for 30 minutes, staring off into space until I had to get up and finish getting ready for school.


Unknown POV

"It is monday," the voice said to me. I shivered involuntarily.

"It is," I replied, my voice shaky.

"Friday," was all the voice said. ThenI, I heard the sound of skin hitting skin, sliding across each other. I wanted to vomit, scream, run, but I couldn't until he dismissed me.

The breaths became heavier, a low moan coming from the man. I heard the woman next.

I had to stand there, almost missing school, hearing the sighs and moans. The sounds, oh the sounds. I was scared, disgusted. I wanted to cry but nothing could come out of my mouth.

Finally, the panting went away, leaving the satisfied purr of the woman that warmed his bed.

"Leave," he finally said, "but come back tonight."

Tonight, I was the next woman warming his bed.


I bet ya'll know who this anon is already, I mean now. But anyways hope you enjoy!!
With Love,

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