It's Over

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Lindsay's POV

The party was over. My relationship with Laura was over, and everything is over. I feel like my whole life was over. Depression was taking over my body. I feel like I had nothing left to live for. It's melodramatic I know, but when everything you live for is falling apart… well… you fall apart too.

It was a Monday, the day for suffering, for sadness, for crying, all because of the day it was, and is. I got groggily out of bed, moving around my room getting ready for the day. Not able to really put on anything, I just kind of put on what I could find. There was no breakfast I wanted to eat, so I just walked out the door. Laura wasn't home so I didn't have to drive her to school.

At school, I sat in my car for a few minutes, gathering my strength to get out of the car and walk into the school. I finally did, but it was after the first bell rang. I didn't get to class until after the tardy bell.

“Hello Mrs. Durham, nice to see you back in class,” my teacher told me as I walked into class. I just walked to my seat.

“Hey,” Amber whispered to me as I sat down. I stared at her listlessly.

“Ah,” she said before turning back to the lesson.

All day I stared into space, being at school for the sake of attendance, but not really learning. The last bell finally rang and I went to my car.

I heard a door open and close.

“Hey,” Laura said, completely refreshed from her weekend.

“Hey, I said, turning to her and giving her a smile.

I took off in my car, heading home for the day.

“Hey,” Laura started, can we not go home just yet?”

“Where do you want to go?” I asked.

“I guess to the mall. We can kind of have a day.”

“You know the day is halfway over,” I joked, changing directions to go to the mall.

We both smiled at my joke, but things turned silent after that.

It was silent throughout the shopping trip. I watched her try on outfit after outfit, carrying her bags when we moved store to store. I didn't buy anything.

It was getting later and I decided it was around a good time to eat. So I told Laura that.

“I don't know I kind of want to keep shopping,” she said nonchalantly, walking towards the next store.

“Really Laura, I'm hungry. I want to eat,” I almost snapped at her.

“Well I want to keep shopping.” Laura turned around and faced me.

“Yeah but you haven't been the one carrying around these bags all afternoon.”

“Shopping for clothes is just as hard as carrying around bags,” Laura shot back haughtily.

I dropped the bags. “I'll just go get something to eat alone,” I said turning away.

“Wait!” Laura called after me.

I sighed, turning around. “What?”

“Don't expect me home tonight.” With that she gathered her bags and walked on way to keep shopping and I walked the other way towards the food court.


Laura's POV

“Another fight with your sister?” the voice said across the line.

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