Confusion, am i still straight?

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Augusts point of view

The feeling of Jesse's lips sent a jolt through my body, his lips were so soft, they fit perfectly with mine, and sent electricity through my whole body, but, why did I feel all happy about this? I didn't like Jesse, he was my bully, and it was kinda wrong to fall in love with your own bully, wasn't it?

And plus, jesses straight, but if he were straight, wouldn't he be pushing me away? Wouldn't he have kicked me out by now? Calling me names and giving me even more hatred?

My questions were soon answered, Jesse pushed me away as hard as he could, and gave me a shocked face, he touched his lips and looked straight into my eyes, he glared, but there was no emotion of hatred, it was happiness, confused, and scared, why was he trying to hate me? If his eyes showed a total different story.

"Get out." He growled harshly, making me flinch, I opened my mouth to protest and apologize, but he stopped me, shaking his head he pointed to his door, "I said get the fuck out!" I flinched back, holding back the tears that wanted to spill, I swallowed but obeyed to his protest and ran off out of his room.

Why was my heart aching? Why did I feel like dying right now? And why was I hurt of what jesse's reaction was? I shouldn't even care about what he thinks, it wasn't my fault the dumbass moved.

But I just couldn't help but let the tears fall out of my eyes, they wouldn't hold back anymore and I was an emotional reck in my car, I turned the car on and soon backed out of his driveway, sobbing to myself and cursing for crying over that jerk. He didn't deserve my tears.

As soon as I got home I went straight up to my room, I slammed my door shut ignoring Brady, Weston, my dad and Ricky's questions, I was to hurt to even talk, I threw my bag across the room and fell right onto my bed.

I covered myself with my blanket and let myself finally break down.

Jesse's point of view

My heart ached, I wanted so bad go just call August back and tell him I was just kidding, I needed him here with me, I don't know why though, I'm straight right? Right?!

His lips felt like I was kissing someone from heaven, they tasted so good, they fit perfectly with mine, they moved in perfect sin, they sent shocks throughout my whole body, I just wanted to go find him and kiss him all over again.

No Jesse! Stop thinking like that! Gays are suppose to be a sin to this world!

I shook my head at my gross thoughts and sighed, feeling my lips again, I wasn't gonna fuss about this, sure August was an amazing kisser, but it didn't mean we where meant to be or anything, right? I was meant to be straight, I was meant to have kids and be with my beautiful girlfriend.

But why did I feel grossed out by thinking of my girlfriend?

"Ugh!" I growled, why am I even questioning this? I'm not gay, I'm not bisexual, at least I thought. Being bisexual would not suit me, but being gay? I don't know.

Why did I half to even turn my head?

"Why the stressed out face?" Copeland asked coming into my room, she was someone I could trust, my 14 year old sister was still young, but yet she had a big heart and open ears to listen to anyone's bull crap, when I needed to bullshit, I went straight to her, because my mom wasn't always around, and neither was my dad, my dad was a famous hockey player, as my mom was a doctor.

So it was always Copeland, my little sister that gave good advice. The one and only I could depend on.

"Do you remember that guy? With the black hair, ya know? The fag?" Copeland flinched at the word fag, I soon felt bad, she hated that word, because she had a gay friend named Shelton, he was a shy kid. But he still grossed me out. Hell, when he came over I left. So he doesn't really know me or what I look like because I'm always gone when he comes.

"Oh that cute boy, yeah I remember him." Copeland says with a wink, I try and hold back my growl, but couldn't help but let it out, I couldn't help it, she thought my man was good looking...wait, my man?

"Copeland, me and him kissed, like, yesterday and I'm starting to question myself." Copelands face scrunched up in confusion, before she started squealing, I stared at her like she just lost her mind and shook my head, fangirl moment. She stopped jumped and calmed herself down before she sat down on my bed.

"Was it good? Bad? Okay? OH! Did he taste good? Because I'd like to get a taste of th-"

"Copeland!" I cut her off before she can go on about August, she was starting to annoy me on hitting on him, I'm mean, sure he was good looking and all, but he wasn't a women, and that scared me, thinking of another guy like this does not send my ego anywhere.

Copeland smirked and straightened herself up, "Jesse, stop questioning yourself, you're clearly gay for that sexy beast, just get over the fact that it's wrong, because guess what? You can't stop yourself on who you like, call August over on the weekend, ask him to stay for dads BQ and talk to him." Copeland smiled softly at me and kissed my cheek before skipping out of my room.

Leaving me confused. Invite him over on the weekend? Talk to him?

That didn't sound bad i guess, just talk to him about this kiss, see where it ends off, and if we both apologize and talk it through, we'd both be okay. I'll be fine he'll be fine.

I nodded, that sounded okay. Then I wouldn't be so confused about my whole sexuality. I knew I liked girls, I thought they where sexy, they turned me on, but then again, August turned my on by just thinking of him, his perfect jawline, lips, dark blue eyes, dark hair, cheekbones, the way he smiled, his tallness.

August seemed to be the only one that was turning me on, thinking of my girlfriend, just made me want to puke, sure she was hot and nice and a little sassy, but she wasn't as attractive as August. August wasn't as sassy as her, he is just a little to serious, he needs to smile a little more.

His smile makes my heart flutter.

I then felt my jeans tighten and groaned when I noticed what it was, I guess it was time to take a cold shower, damn you August and your hot self! I didn't even like gays and I was getting a boner by just thinking of one.

I think being gay wouldn't be bad, but I still needed to get over it, sure I'd act out at first, but you can't really blame me, I'm still not sure if I'm gay or not, or bisexual.


Sorry it's so short, but I hope you liked it anyways, I gotta catch up on my other book now:)

It's like 1:07 am here, and I'm quite tired right now so I'm sorry if my writing sucks.


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