thirteen | h e r

42 9 1

sorry for never updating! been quite busy w/ a boy myself & school. this chapter is ashton's p.o.v. from the FIRST chapter.

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SHE WAS SHORT and dainty, with eyes rushing with fallen rain water, her plush lips formed a skeptical grin as she analyzed those before her. Like a rose, she was beautiful and bright, and however so protected with thorns she was ever so delicate, a girl made of crystal. All and all, I wanted her.

To be perfectly honest, she was a cliche. Not in all ways, for the most part she was unique and made up of what only could only be described as inner defiance and an attitude for discovery. On the other hand, she was stereotypically indifferent towards the way she looked, and didn’t appear to know of her given beauty.

Her name was Vivian; alive. I couldn’t take my eyes off her - and I didn’t know why. You see, I could never lust after the same girl each time, nor could I ever remain with the same girl but throughout the long years I’ve been forced to eye her, I couldn’t let her go. It was utterly perplexing, I expected her to fade away, become boring just like music after time. A song that repeats becomes boring, but I felt like I could never tire of her music.

Again and again, I tried to wash her out of my mind - it began to feel like an endless chore that I was ready to give up on, a never ending challenge. Even just simply striding past her proved difficult as my eyes darted to catch the slightest glimpse of her. If I had to be honest with myself, I doubted she didn’t know of my reputation - but, then again, I didn’t seem to care.

“Ryland has got to step off,” Piper’s voice shook me back into reality, my vision clearing to the school courtyard. From the distance, I could see Vivian standing by her lonesome like a little island in a rushing sea of cliques.

“Yeah, yeah, step off and all that,” I murmured in response, my thumb stroking the jade band around index finger subconsciously.

“He’s not listening,” Jasper muttered in Piper’s ear, a comment that travelled over to my ears as well. Somehow, Jasper managed to remain one of my best friends all while my hands ached to choke him. I don’t know why I love that bloody fool so much - though I suppose Piper was no exception.

A slap on the arm and I knew Piper was about to give me a speech, “Man, listen up-”

“I really don’t want to hear it.” I shut him down, proving to no avail as he crossed his arms, his lips forming a tight smile.

“Why the hell won’t you just talk to her?” Piper grounded out, sounding surprisingly irritated. “You’ll go after my sister but not after her?”

“Well, first of all Vivian is not your sister and-” Too defensive, I chastised myself. And, rule of brothers, I should never have gone after his sister, Bayo, in the first place but I couldn’t help myself. However, now Piper can use that as leverage whenever he wants…

Jasper, not helping his case on the love-hate I held for him, pointed out, “And, not to mention, you’ve been hung up on her for a while, man. Listen, it’s not like you’ve anything to lose if she denies you, yeah?”

“My dignity,” I returned smoothly, offering a scowl.

“Oh, what a lie,” Piper interjected, “You have none anyway! How else does one get away with such bullshit all the time?”

“I swear to God, I’ll punch you right now.” That remark right there came from me, and yes, it was half true and half playful. Both of their mouths popped open, both prepared to start blabbering on about but before that could happen I threw up my hands in surrender. “Fine, have your way. I’ll do it. If it doesn’t work, you two owe me.”

“Now why would we owe you-” They both chorused, as I walked away, flicking them off casually.

The closer I rounded towards her, the cockier and more predatory I felt. Almost an instinct, alike to adrenaline, I felt my blood rush as I drew her image in. My eyes fell back down to my phone for half a moment, an act, to prove myself nonchalant.

I glanced from the rectangular piece of technology in my hands to Vivian’s face, her eyebrows squeezed together with frustration, an oddly adorable line forming. I can feel a smirk forming, ready to mark my prey.

Suddenly, her mouth pops open halfway, her eyes matched as they widened a fraction. It appears as her friend has arrived, and my stomach drops with hesitation. I scolded myself internally, since when does that ever stop me?

I waited, gathering up my thoughts and deciding to emerge from the crowd and address her.

Slowly, my feet carried my forth, my hand outstretched as I wrapped my fingers around the Vivian's friend's shoulder. I felt her body tense, and as reaction I couldn't help but smirk. Girls are so easy.

Just as tiredly as I, the girl swiveled on her feet, dragging her eyes up and down. She, I admit, was gorgeous but those baby blues of hers had no match for the one with that of a shattered sky.

“What.” She said, surprising me, automatically my brow raised in question of her hostility. It was obvious she knew who I was.

Resisting the temptation to respond rudely, I opted for arrogance, nodding towards Vivian. “What's her name?”

Of course, I knew it. Who wouldn't?

The girl in front of me huffed, rolling her eyes to the slightest degree as her hands rolled onto her hips. “Excuse me?”

Didn't know I had to break it down for her. God, why did she have to talk to Vivian when I wanted to? “What. Is. Her. Name?”

“Vivian.” The name on her tongue was curt, but still crisp in my ears.

“Hello, Vivian,” I loved the way her name left my tongue burning. I hesitated a moment, licking my lower lip. “I'm Ashton.”

I watched her every movement; the way a cloud of pink stained her cheeks, how her eyes seemed to catch every detail, her fingers fidgeting with nerves.

A soft smile was drawn onto her lips, and in a sheepish way, she gave a small wave. Not even meaning to, I laughed, how could I not? She was almost in a trance.

I supposed I was done, and I didn't exactly have the mind to deal with her friend. I turned on my heel, tilting my head to glance over my shoulder. “See you later, Vivian.

Then it was done. Regret and relief flooded my stomach, a deadly concoction that invaded into the far depths of my mind as I returned to my friends. Stupid, boyish grins plastered their faces.

“Your redder than a firetruck,” Jasper teased.

I bet I am, it would be impossible not to. I just wouldn't let him remain satisfied.

“I'll show you red if you keep that up,” I hinted a threaten, raising my eyebrows cautiously.

Jasper put his hands up in surrender, tossing over an impish smile. Then commenced laughter and jokes, all of it drifting past as my eyes again begged to see something beautiful.


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