~Chapter Five~ Odd Hospitality

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For a moment, Ciel only stared at me. I stared back, looking him in the eye, awaiting his response.

"Well, now, that'd be pointless," He turned to Sebastian, "Don't you agree?" He asked him, to which Sebastian nodded in response.

"Completely, my lord."

"Pointless, how?" I asked, tilting my head slightly in confusion.

"I only wanted you dead before because I had been under the impression," He glanced back at Sebastian with a slight glare, "that you were the one who was responsible for my parents' murder and my abduction."

"However, now I know that is false, and therefore I have no reason to want you dead." He concluded.

"I see. . ." I looked down, "So, what is it you will do with me, then?"

"You will be coming with me," He abruptly stood.

I looked up at him in shock. He was staring down at me with a look I couldn't quite decipher.

"You'll be living with me at my estate from this day forward, until I say otherwise." He left no room for me to argue.

I stayed silent, only staring up at him.

"Sebastian, go pack his belongings, we'll be waiting in the coach," his gaze never left mine. "We have a thing or two to discuss."

"Yes, my young lord," Sebastian bowed and made his way toward my bedroom.

Ciel extended his hand to me, which took me by surprise. After a moment of staring dumbly at it, I rested my own hand in his and allowed him to assist me up. He led me to the carriage, though he never dropped my hand.

It seems as though he is treating me as one would treat a lady. No, no, that can't be right. . . I thought.

Once we made it to the coach, he dropped my hand and opened the door, stepping aside to allow me to climb in first. Grabbing my hand again, he assisted me into the coach.

He's acting so strange, why is he suddenly being so kind, I wondered. And treating me like a girl!

I sat silently as he stepped into the coach afterwards, and sat across from me. I stared down into my lap, avoiding looking at him.

We sat in silence for a minute or so before he got up and moved over to sit beside me, closer than I had expected.

"Alois?" He spoke with a - shockingly - soft voice.

I peeked up at him before responding, "Are you taking me to your estate to use me?" I spoke in a quiet, emotionless voice.

He seemed slightly taken aback, "Why would I do that," he looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "I'm a demon, I have no 'urges', I honestly cannot see myself doing such things for any reason."

I looked at him fully now, turning my head to him completely, "Then. . .why are you bringing me to live with you?"

"I'm not done with my investigation, for one," he spoke, mater-of-factly, "You're also not safe here, alone, and I know the prospect of being alone frightens you."

"So, you're doing this out of pity and your own curiosity?" I looked at him slightly angered.

"No, this is not out of pity or curiosity."

He sighed, "I am not just investigating this because I'm curious, it also has to do with your safety and my own, as well."

"How so?"

"That's a question for another time," He paused for a moment, "But, back to what I was saying, I'm also not doing this out of pity, I honestly can't understand why, but I just don't want you to be afraid or in danger."

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