Hands To Yourself. ❤️(Part 1)

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It was two weeks before SummerSlam, which was the second biggest event of the year besides Wrestlemania and an exciting time for everyone. In celebration of SummerSlam, all the superstars decided to have their selves a pool party at the hotel where they're staying at for the pay per view.

It was a nice warm evening, there was music, food, dancing and superstars just having a good time and letting loose. John Cena was standing near the diving board talking with Randy Orton and Bryan Danielson, drinking their bud lights.

"This party is really kickin, we should do this every year." Said Bryan.

John nodded in agreement. "I hear you man, I mean kinda feels like the college parties I used to go to."

"Oh man, those were goods times. I have to say I feel relieved now after my divorce has been finalized." Randy said. John patted him on the back.

"That's the whole point of this party man, everyone here deserves to relax a bit before we have to work again."

"Besides, there's some pretty chicks here, go out and mingle." Bryan suggested.

"Yea, I've seen the way you've been eyeing Paige  lately."

"Come on John, me and her are friends." Randy said, before taking a swing of his beer.

"So were me and Nicole, but you can see how that turned out for us. By the way, where is she?"

Bryan pointed over at the food table. "Over there talking with Damien."

John looked over where Bryan pointed. "Oooh shit man."

"What?" Randy asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Nicole man, ah she's wearing that dress I like, she knows what that dress does to me." He said, looking at Nikki up and down, licking his lips, loving how her bright orange maxi dress fit her curvaceous body. It was halter topped and exposed her back with her hair swept to one side.

"Uh, gentleman if you'll excuse me." John said, handing his beer to Randy, walking off towards Nikki.

"And that's how I was voted academic leader throughout high school." Damien said, while eating off his plate. Nikki just smiled and nodded, but on the inside she was getting bored of hearing this guy brag on about his accomplishments.

However, her train of thought was interrupted when she felt a wet kiss being placed on the spot below her ear, causing her to gasp. Nikki turned around seeing John giving her a look that clearly said 'I'm wanna fuck you good.'

She looked around trying to hide her smile. "John..."

"Do you have any idea how goddamn sexy you look right now." He whispered huskily in her ear.

"No, but John I'm talking-" She tried to finish, but interrupted.

John smirked. "Girl, I really wanna fu-" Nikki caught him before he finished that sentence. Putting a finger to his lip, she shushed him.

"Um, John you know Damien Sandow. I worked with him for a while." Nikki said, trying to keep John from kissing her neck again as he muttered a yeah.

Damien put out his hand to shake. "Hello there John, nice to see you."

John took his hand into his, smiling. "Same to you, uh Damien is it? Yea, some of the guys over there were talking some trash about you."

Nikki held back a laugh knowing John was just saying it to get rid of Damien. "Yea man, there were like Damien's this, Damien's that, uh Damien ain't shit."

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