Starting Over❤️

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John's POV

Damn it! Liz cheated on me again. With my best friend this time.  I walked in to my house. I recognized a firmilliar scent that shouldn't be here. Then there's a jacket I recognize.  Then all becomes known to me.  To clarify what I already know, I continue down the hall.   The door is open and my suspicions are  Confirmed. I let out a sigh. They turn and look at me.  I walk out. "John wait!" I hear her yell As I continue to walk.  

45  minutes later I arrive at a bridge. I'm not even sure where I'm at. I look over the edge and see a girl around my age of 26. She's crying. She stands up. I can feel she's about to jump. I rush over to her as fast as I can. I grab her arm right before she's able to jump."stop." I say. "It's not worth your pain I promise." She collapses into my arms. Her tears fall. They don't stop falling. He picks her up bridal style as she just cries in his arms. He sits down leaning against the rail. He just allows her to let put all her tears.

  After 20 minutes she stops. She tries to get out of John's lap but he won't let her.  "Please just let me go. I won't jump. I promise." She begged me. "I can't until you tell me what happened."  I simply told her. "Why it's not gonna do anything." She cried.  "It's gonna help. I promise you. And I'll tell you what I'm going through. We can help each other." I told her. "Look I'm sure your a good person. But I don't know you. I don't even know your name. " she said. "Well here" I suggested, "my name is John Cena. I'm 26 years old. And I'm out here because I just caught my wife cheating On me with my best friend.  It's kinda funny you know, how stupid I am. She's done this before. I've caught her before. She always told me she wouldn't do it again. I don't know why I believed her.  Deep down I knew she was lying. I guess now I'm tired of being walked on." I sighed. " Now it's your turn." 

"My names Nicole. I'm 24 years old." She started to tear up. "It's ok. You can tell me. " I said. And hugged her. She took a deep breath and started to speak again. "I was going to jump because I... uh... I um, I was raped." She lost it again and started crying. "He just uh.... I begged him to stop and he kept telling me to shut up. That no one loves me I'm just a slut." The tears kept flowing from her eyes. "He attacked me and hurt me. Now I'm pregnant. My parents Disowned me. They don't know i was raped. They think I got knocked up by some fuck boy from at a bar. They won't even give me a chance to explain." By now she was sobbing. I just let her cuddle in my arms.

"Why don't we go someone not so dangerous." I suggested. She let out a breath neither of us knew she was holding. 

"I'd like that." She stated. She tried to get out of my arms but I wouldn't let her. She could still jump. I carried her for 10 minutes along the highway until I knew we were far from jumping areas. 

"You know you didn't have too carry me. I can walk." She laughed. Her hand was centimeters away from mine. She grabbed it as comfort. "I hope you don't mind." She said talking about our hands. "Absolutely not." I stated. "It makes me feel safer." She said shyly.  "Where are we going, may I ask." 

"Well, Is there anyone that supports and believes you?" I asked.

"Just my Nana and my twin sister Brie." She said sadly.

"Why don't we move to a different state. Me and you. A fresh start." I said with hope in my eyes.

"Id love to escape but.., I don't know you. I've never met you."

"Well it's our new blossoming friendship. And I promise you I'm not a killer or anything. You can even google me. I'm a famous WWE wrestler."

She started laughing with embarrassment. "Oh my gosh. Your the John Cena" I knew the name sounded fermiliar. I know who your are. You've been my celebrity crush for a while." She blushed.  I laughed. 

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