The Beginning

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Laurance's POV
I've been living with Dante Travis, and Garroth for a while now, and things have changed. Ever since Aphmau started dating Aaron things have shifted. And... I think I'm starting to like Garroth. (Aphmau knocks on the door) I open the door to find Aphmau, "hey Aphmau" I say "hey laurance! So the girls and I are going to the mall to you guys wanna come?" "Sure" I say

Kawaii Chan POV

for a while now Kawaii Chan has known that Garrance will sail, and the mall trip she planned was the perfect way to. Sparks will fly, she new it.

Garroth POV

I like Laurance. And I don't think I should. He probably likes someone else, besides every one would freak out...
(Time skip to the next day brought to you by Zanes sexy voice, WHAT Who put that there?)

Still Garroth POV

I was ready to go when I walked into Laurances room, he had on nothing but boxers damnit Garroth you're staring I blush at the sight "Oh sorry I-I Didn't T-think you weren't R-ready ye-" Laurance interrupted grinning "Like what you see?" I blushed even deeper. "I-it's time t-to go" I say damnit Garroth why do you always stutter around him?! "Ok I'll be ready in a sec"
He replies
(Mifwa time skip)
Laurance POV

At the mall Aphmau called us to attention "ok, so every one can do what ever they want, just meet for lunch at 1:45.. The groups are Katelyn and Nicole, Dante and Travis... (Laurance thinks to himself) i wish I could tell him that... I love him "and Garroth and Laurance" Aphmau finished thoughts words stuck like glue.

My LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant