New Garroth

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Laurance POV
when we got home Garroth rested for a week, I told him what the doctor said and well he.. No she cried and cried.
I hugged her... Him? "You need a girl name for the time being" I said "Garnet" he said "that was quick" I smiled
(Two weeks later)
Dante through a party and some how I got my hands on some beer I drank ALOT and made Garnet do the same I carried her to my room (lemon seen) locking the door, "fuck protection" I said stripping her down after me kissing and biting her soft spot I massaged her breasts then bit her soft spot, she gave in, I spread her apart, entering. After a while of thrusting Faster and faster I hit climax and filled her with warm liquids, then she hit her peak moaning and moaning and squealing I continued and then transformed, making her climax longer, "this may hurt" I said. With my power, I claimed her and made her mine she wouldn't stop climax until we were done, but I continued in full control. Then i massaged her breasts and butt, I but her soft spot then later her down in my embrace

(GAWD so lemony sry guys peace! -no one)

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