Zianna Meets The Twins Pt.2

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Garroth POV
Laurence opened the door to let my parents in, "BABIEEEEEESSSSSSSS" Zianna screamed. Laurence chuckled and handed Griffin to my mother. My father looked slightly confused, we'll  talk over dinner" I said, he agreed. I had made chicken, rice, and spinach for dinner. We all sat down to eat. As we ate we explained the potion and the transformation, how my illness was slightly better and how we became dads, and had a casual neighborhood wedding. "Wow" Garte said "you've been through a lot together."he added
I "yes we have" Laurence smiled then kissed me deeply, inhaling me. I was shocked he would do such a thing in front of my parents. But they smiled my mother said "I'm glad my little Gar-Gar found love" and she kissed me on the cheek. After an hour of loving on Lillian and Griffin we put them to bed, and my parents left. Laurence hugged me then out of no were bit down on my soft spot,I moaned and he grabbed me and carried me to our room locking the door, he stripped me down, kissing me all over, as I
Moaned, he entered me kissing me, and exploring with his tounge, and after about a minute he kissed,bit,and sucked on my soft spot as he thrusted I came and so did he, then he rapped me on his arms and kissed my soft spot one more time before going to bed, what a wonderful life.
(Hey guys thanks for reading! Also, my friend Cadenza is doing a fanfic of zane Chan so check it out! HeidiSpeck04 thanks again! -jo

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