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Garroth POV
I woke up screaming, again from a night terror. Laurence told me that night mares were the side effects of medication and treatment, and that I had fury dismorphia which, if not treated everyday could kill me. My thy really hurt from the medication pump, but I guess it's worth it in the end."it'll get better, I promise" Laurence comforted me. He stroked my hair as we cuddled. "What trimester are you in?" Laurence asked "first, almost second I replied, it's been a couple months since I got pregnant, I've gotten engaged moved and got a sickness so, my world has changed,"after treatment we have to go back to the doctors, to make sure the baby is ok" Laurence said. We ate breakfast and then Laurence to me to our room as the nurse walked in... Same old same old treatment, screams and pain.

Laurence POV
After treatment Garnet was sleeping, the doctor said it would be easier for her the more times she does it. I picked her up and took her to the car.
Later at the hospital
Laurence POV
Garnet stayed asleep was they did exams, "Well, It looks like her condition won't harm the child she Is barring" the doctor finished. I sighed in relief. Then I carried her home
(Skip to 3 trimester because duh LETS POP THE BABY OUT)
Garroth POV
I woke up in the middle of the night in pain,"LAURENCE" I yelled "yeah babe?" God his morning voice is so husky and... Sexy "My water broke" He picked me up and put me in the car. When we got there a nurse but me in a wheel chair and set me up in a room.
As the hours past my contractions got worse, and latency stayed by my side holding my hand
(On hour later)
Laurence POV
"She's ready" the doctor said
I stayed by Garnet's side as she pushed "What the-"I was interrupted "twins" Garnet smiled. One Boy and One Girl. Then, a magic happened, Garnet Hovered slightly above the hospital bed
(Ok I'm kinda sad because I wanted them to have a billion babies) and transformed into Garroth
I smiled, the
Man I fell in
Love with was back. Now we were one big happy family.
(Sorry this chapter was short :/ )
Byee -Jo

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