Change (This is after proposal)

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(Sorry, wattpad made chapters WIERD, this is after proposal) Garroth POV

I was on a room with Laurence, he had a whip and hit me repeatedly punching and kicking me, all I knew is it hurt like hell. He started cussing me out and telling me I was worthless. "LAURENCE STOP!" I scream "PLEASE! Stop!" I was helpless so all I did was scream.

Laurance POV
garnet was screaming, and escaped my grasp screaming more, "Babe! What's wrong?!" I asked I shook her body, she awoke. She ran away from me sobbing "YOUR, YOUR A MONSTER!!!" She screamed between sobs "what?!" "Snap out of it Babe!" Then I remember on the bottle of medication "side affects may include night terrors, or sickness"
Shit I thought. "Baby it's me I wouldn't hurt you, please trust me." After an hour of convincing she was back in my grasp, in an embrace. I stroked her hair. Then the doorbell rang. Shit, treatment. I lied Garnet down on my pillow and got the door, there was a nurse with equipment "hello, I'm nurse Lucy, is Garnet Romeve here?" She said "yes,she's asleep, I'll wake her u-" she cut me off "no no it's fine, with the state of trauma when it comes to treatment it will be easier if she's asleep." Nurse Lucy walked in with tubes and medication, she strapped Garnet down and applied a mask to her face, and IV and then a pump into her right thyroid, I held her hand as she screamed out in pain shaking, after the hour of treatment was done she was left to rest. I thanked the nurse and she left, then I proper my self up next to Garnet with my laptop looking for An apartment for us, three rooms two bath kitchen in meteli it's perfect I thought, I emailed the owner and then went to see it while Travis watched Garnet. The house was perfect and I bought it, the hour after treatment every day I slowly packed up and moved us, while garnet was resting I said our goodbyes then drove away. Change. I thought then Kissed Garnet's forehead.
(Sorry my stupid wattpad made part 8 part 7, and part 7 part 8) Blah byee -J

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