Bad Christmas - Niall Horan

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Written by meganstyles00

As I pull up to the ice skating rink, I see Harry, Louis, Liam, and wait is! It's Niall. I jump out of the car and run and hug him. Gosh, it's been forever since I had seen my best friend. Ever since the boys have went their separate ways, I haven't really seen him. I spend most of my time with Liam, because he's my brother and all.
"Oh how I've missed you!!!" I scream as he's lifting me off the ground to spin me.
"Yeah, 6 months is a long time, eh?" he teases. I roll my eyes. He locks his arms with mine. "Shall we skate, Madame?"
We skip to the shack to get our skates. Boy, how I've missed his accent and goofiness. The first couple of weeks of Skyping and Snapchatting everyday went okay. But then it became less frequent. And we were lucky to even text once a week, let alone Skype or snapchat.

We grabbed our pair of skates and sat down to put them on. He tied mine and I tied his. Just like always. We left the other boys. Oops.
Of course, Niall fell. He was never good at ice skating. When he had enough of torture, I offered him to come with me to rest. No doubt, he came with me in a hurry. He was so ready to get off the ice.

"We have to meet the boys at 8:30." I had totally forgot about the present exchange. I nodded in agreement. It had been about 40 minutes and it was time for us to meet them.
"Where have you two been?" Louis asked, making a kissy face.
"Louis!!" We both say at the same time.
"Well?" he questions.
"Skating. Skating, Louis. That's where we have been." You could hear the annoyance in Niall's voice.
"Okay mate, chill." Where is the fun playful Niall?

We exchanged gifts and planned to go back to Louis' bunker to sleep.
"I've already rented a hotel. So I think I'll just stay there." All the boys whip their heads toward me.
"Oh no you won't." Niall breaks the silence. "Did you forget, I'm Niall Horan?" Wow. This is not my Niall. He's never said that before. He is usually so humble and gentle.
"Yeah, yeah. We know." Harry groans. I chuckle and Niall shoots me a menacing glare. I move in my seat.

I pull Harry to the side, when we are walking to our cars. "What has gotten into him?"
He grows anxious. "The fame got to his head, Ashley." I bite my lip.

We all get to Louis'. And of course Harry is the first to pull out alcohol. And Niall starts drinking with him. He's never drank around girls. It's a thing with him. He finds it disrespectful. He takes shot after shot of the vodka. "Niall, man I think you've had enough." Liam stops him from taking another drink. "Oh Liam. You still haven't learned I don't give a shit what you think. You can't keep pretending to be our dad. You are our friend. Lighten up. Ashley, have a drink love."
I shake my head no. "Your friend? No." I look at Liam. "Boys. Boys. That's enough. This is supposed to be a night filled with fun and laughs." Louis is spinning and throwing his hands in the air.

An hour later Niall and I sit on the couch. "So Ashleyyyy. How have you been?" His hand is resting on my leg and his words are slurring.
I take a deep breath. "I've been fine. And yourself?" His hand starts to move up and down my thigh. "What are you doing, Niall?" He cocks his eyebrow at me. "Why are you being cocky? Why are you drinking in front of a girl? Why are you touching me like this?"
"Because I can. Have you ever thought about that?" He leaves his hand on my thigh. "Actually you can't touch me if I...."
"If you what, you whore?" He grabs my face. "Niall stop it!!" I scream and Harry walks in but keeps his distance. Niall kisses me forcefully. I push him back. But he slaps me.
Harry grabbed his collar and slams him to the ground. "Are you okay?" He asks while rubbing my cheek where it is red.
"I'm fine, but is he?" I panic when I see Niall not getting up.

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