Bad Christmas, Part Two - Niall Horan

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Written by meganstyles00

I jump down to Niall's unconscious body. "Niall, wake up. Please wake up. Harry, he's not getting up!"
The boys come rushing down the stairs. "What's go..." Louis stops in mid-sentence and jumps down beside Niall. "What the hell happened?"
I start crying and I push my self back, starring at his body, rocking back and forth.
"I said what the hell happened?" Louis repeated. "He slapped her." Harry finally says.
"So you bashed his head on the ground?"
I start crying louder and Liam comes to comfort me. "Tell me what happened," he whispers.
"Niall. Niall. Niall. Tried to kiss me. I told him to stop. And he wouldn't. So I pushed him off of me and told him not to touch me. He called me a whore. Then he slapped me. Harry got mad at him, pulled him by the collar and just threw him on the ground. I don't know how his head hit the ground, Liam. Is he going to die?" He shrugs his shoulders.
"Call an ambulance." Louis says, checking Niall's pupils.
Harry dials 911. Liam goes upstairs and puts on clothes. And Louis lifts Niall in his arms.
"Let me have him." Harry says, seeing Louis struggling with his heavy body. "No. You've done enough, Harry."

The ambulance finally arrives. They put him on the stretcher and rush him off to the hospital. Louis goes with him. We follow behind. When we get there they have him in ICU, so we are sit in the lobby and wait to hear something.
"Are you all friends of Mr. Horan?" a man in a doctor's coat asks.
"Yes," we all say at once.
"Well, I need to speak with you. Can you follow me?"
We all get up and go with the doctor. "So, he has major trauma to the head. It's keeping him in a coma, more so like in a vegetable state. There's not much we can do at this point, except hope he wakes up. If he wakes up he might have some amnesia. Like of the past few hours. We are getting him prepped for surgery, to repair the tissue torn on his brain. We will let you know when he is out and you can go see him."

"What exactly happened tonight?" He proceeds. "He slapped her, I grabbed his collar, and threw him in the ground. I don't know how his head hit the floor." "Well from the scan it looks like his head hit maybe a counter or corner of a table." He cocks his eyebrow and walks off.
"Shit. The table. That's why he didn't get up." Harry sits down and puts his face in his hands.
I walk to him and get on my knees, taking his hands from his face. His hands in mine, "Harry, it will be okay. Niall will be okay. He will know you saved his life while also almost taking it." I try to lighten the mood. It doesn't help.
Harry leans closer to me. "But Ashley, you don't get it. I could have killed him just on impact. If he would have hit his head harder he would be dead. His blood on these hands." He lays out his palms in front of me.

We wait a few hours more and we start getting hungry. So Liam and I run down to the convenient store and get some food.
"Harry isn't going to be able to live with himself, you know?" Liam said as we began shopping.
"Why do you say that?"
"Have you never heard the story about Lucas, his roommate?"
I shake my head no. "Well, it's time you know. This has happened before. With Lucas..." We continue to the counter and pay for our things. Liam starts his story again. "Well when we were first starting off with our music, Harry wanted to be independent and live on his own. But his friend Lucas couldn't afford an apartment of his own so Harry told him to pay half the bills there and he could live there. Well one night Lucas brought his girlfriend home. He had a few drinks. Nothing major. He knew what he was doing. Well him and his girlfriend got in a fight and Lucas ended up punching her in the face. She started crying and Harry came in the living room to see what was happening. He told us he seen Lucas on top of her beating her in the face. He ran over and jerked Lucas off of her and Harry got on top of his and was beating him up. He only got a few swings in until he realized he would kill him if he didn't stop. He climbed off of Lucas. Lucas was able to get up and jumped on Harry's back. Harry knocked him off. And he landed on a table. When Harry turned around there was blood everywhere, spilling from Lucas' head. He called 911. It was too late. Lucas was dead. He died from the impact. Harry didn't get charged with murder because it was a defensive kinda thing. And the girl confirmed it was true. He has always had the weight of killing somebody on his shoulders. He has always been so careful. Until tonight. He swore he'd never let it happen again. He would let people fight their own battles because he didn't want anymore blood on his hands."

By the time we got back to the hospital my face was so red and puffy from crying. I can't believe no one ever told me the story. When we arrived on our floor, Louis came over and took the bags from my hand. Harry looked up then stood and stared at his feet.
I walked to him. "What's wrong?" He asked. I just hugged him and he squeezed me tightly.
"What's this for?" he questioned as I look up at him. "I know what happened with Lucas. And it could happen again. Thank you for protecting me, Harry." I lay my head back on his chest.

The doctor comes out about an hour after we came back. "He's in a room of his own now. But only two can go back to start with. Don't touch the IV or bandages on his head please. Room 312." He walks off.
We all look at each other. "Ashley, you can go first. Harry, go with her." Louis says, shocking everyone. I wrap myself around Harry's arm. I see Niall's feet as we open the door. I close my eyes and let Harry guide me.
"Ashley. We don't have to be in here if you don't want to be." I shake my head no.
"Niall, if you can hear me, I'm so sorry this happened." Harry says, rubbing Niall's hand, then takes a seat along the wall. I move closer to his body. I study his facial features. I take his hand in mine and began to speak...
"It's okay Harry." Niall says before words come out of my mouth. His eyes flicker open. And Harry leaps to the bed.
"You're okay!" We both say. "Just a little sore that all." He chuckles but then hisses at the pain from his movement. "I'm sorry Ashley. I know what I've done. Will you ever forgive me?" He closes his eyes.
"Of course I will Niall!" I kiss his forehead. And we notice he is falling back asleep.
I turn around and throw myself into Harry's arms. He's okay Harry. He's okay." I say into his chest with tears of joy streaming down my face.

We go out of the room and back down the hall to meet the rest of the guys. But there is another person in the waiting room. The back of his head looks familiar. Oh no. It's Zayn.
We walk closer and I'm still latched on to Harry's arm. It's more comforting knowing he's there to protect me anytime. When we reach the room Zayn looks at me.
"Hey," he says. I squeeze Harry's arm tighter.
"Hi." I say back to my ex boyfriend.
"How is he?" Louis asks.
I smile and he looks confused. "Lou, he's awake. Well was he fell back asleep. He knows what he did and he apologized. And forgave Harry." Everyone let's out a puff of relief.

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