Wes Imagine (Emblem3)

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"Your such a dick Wes can't you just get over yourself for like one minute and listen to me!" I screamed at Wes. That's all we have been doing for the past day and a half, I don't know why but it is always over stupid stuff or sometimes big stuff but mainly little. Like we fight over him not helping me around the house when he gets home from work or me not having diner ready for him or I always bug him and don't let him hang out with his friends, or how he always is out late at night and doesn't come home till the a.m.s drunker than a skunk. Tonight we are fighting about how he wants to go out with Keaton and Drew to a club and leave me here all alone and told me I can't come with them or leave. "Catherine your an attention seeking b*tch who is a buzzkill and can't let me to do one thing with my brother and friend." "Wes you do this almost every other night were you wanna hang with the boys and you don't even spend anytime with me heck tonight is our 8 month anniversary and I bet you forgot. So why don't we just end our who relationship because I am sick of getting treated like a f*cking maid and a sex toy if even that sometimes!" I yelled at him slamming the door to our house behind me and heading towards my car. Calling up my two best friends and told them to meet me at the club in town cause we were gonna drink the night away. Y/F/N was the double d for the night and thank goodness for that because you were playing on getting so drunk you forgot about what whole scene back at your house. "Hey Catherine isn't that Wes over there?" AllIy asked pointing to Wes and the boys. "Yeah I guess it is oh well screw them I broke up with him." I said and than went into full story mode as I told Alliy and Y/F/N what happened. After a little more drinking I headed out in the dance floor and just started grinding on different guys and dancing like there was no tomorrow unt I felt someone tug me off the dance floor and towards the exit. When I looked up to see it was Wes I started to struggle. "Catherine would you calm down we are heading back to the flat before you get anymore drunk and drink tequila and we both know what happens when you do that." Wes said with a smirk on his face but little did he know I already drank some haha well that back fired. "Wes I am sorry I said I was done with you it's just that I hate how you go out and leave me alone all the time." I said realizing he put me into a taxi and told the driver where to go when we got back to our place he payed the driver and hauled me up which was quite hard since I tried to kiss him and pull down his pants. Which by the time we got to the door I assumed he was already acknowledged that I had some tequila. When we got in the house I realized also that he was sober and helping me change and into bed and gave me some water and some Advil. Apologizing and making up before we went to bed and fell asleep for the time we both realized that no matter what we couldn't live with out the other one. After that we started to make sometime for each other and worked out a cleaning chart thing and etc. that we were pretty good from than on only having a little fight here and there.

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