The Roxy

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The year is 1993. Lindsey has been out of Fleetwood Mac for six years. He did the President Clinton inauguration concert with the band but doesn't have any plans to rejoin them at the time. Things were awkward with Stevie. He really misses her but is too proud to show it.

Lindsey has released a new solo album called Out of the Cradle. He has assembled a band is doing a tour to promote the record. Lindsey's band is playing at The Roxy to tonight in Phoenix AZ. He has been hitting smaller venues but packing the joints.

What Lindsey doesn't know is that Stevie has been visiting her mom and dad. She heard Lindsey was playing at The Roxy. Stevie decides to head down and see Lindsey's set.

As Lindsey is getting ready to go on stage, he feels a familiar hand tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and sees Ms Stevie Nicks. He smiles and envelopes her in a hug. Stevie returns the affection and says.

" I was in town visiting my family and heard you were playing, I thought I'd catch the show."

Lindsey responds "it's great to see you, would you like to sit in on Never Going Back Again?"

Stevie says" I would rather sit out there and watch you." "I wanted to say hi and wish you a good show."

Lindsey says "thanks Stevie I appreciate that."

With that they part and Lindsey takes the stage with his band. They start off with Big Love. Lindsey is playing an acoustic version of the song.

Stevie is sitting at a V.I.P. table in the back surrounded by security and her new assistant Karen.

The show goes well, the audience of course enjoys his older music such as Go Your Own Way. Lindsey's band ends the night with Soul Drifter.

Stevie reads between Lindsey's lines and realizes this song is about leaving Fleetwood Mac and her. The song has Stevie thinking about her and Lindsey's decisions and what has become of the two.

After the show ends, Stevie's entourage gets her back stage and she awaits Lindsey. He makes his way back after saying goodnight to the crowd. He spots Stevie outside his dressing room. A huge smile lights up her face when she sees him near her

Stevie says " That was a great show Linds!" Stevie reaches up and kisses Lindsey on the cheek. He blushes and responds " Thanks Steph, I'm glad you were here.

Stevie wraps her arms around Lindsey to embrace him and they both feel lightning bolts go up and down their spines. Stevie looks up at Lindsey with her big brown eyes and says " Linds, since your in town would you like to go out with me to see mom and dad tomorrow? " "They would love to see you, it has been years."

Lindsey is stunned! He is supposed to fly back to Los Angeles tomorrow morning but decides in the moment to change that. "Okay that's great, I would love to see Jess and Barbara."

Stevie takes Lindsey's hand and says "I'll have my assistant Karen arrange to pick you up at 9am." Lindsey gives her the sexy smile that always has melted her. He then says " Okay seeya tomorrow Steph!"

They part ways for the night. Lindsey makes his way back to his hotel and his thoughts are all about Stevie. Is he really going to go and see her parents with her? When he woke this morning he never envisioned this happening. Lindsey sits on his bed and sips a beer, he thinks that he would love to spend the day with Stevie. Stevie's people are at the hotel at 9:00 am sharp. Lindsey is an early riser so he is ready to go. Stevie's assistant Karen leads him to the limo and opens the door for him. Lindsey climbs in and is surprised to see Stevie sitting there waiting for him.

Lindsey is stunned. Stevie is dressed in a flowered sundress and sandals. She has almost no make up on. He is positive he is looking at the most beautiful thing he has ever seen! Stevie says to him

"Good morning Linds, are you ready to spend the day at my parents house?" Lindsey stutters out "yes I am happy to see your parents!" Stevie can't believe how nervous he is. She takes his hand in hers and says " relax, they will be as happy to see you as I am." Lindsey relaxes and enjoys holding Stevie's hand on the way.

Jess and Barbara live in Paradise valley outside Scottsdale. Stevie owns a house just down the road. The two arrive and Stevie leads Lindsey inside. Jess and Barbara greet Lindsey right away and make him feel welcome. Chris, Lori and Jessica are all ready sitting at the table waiting for the two to arrive.

Breakfast goes well, Lindsey is pleasantly surprised how well he is received. Jess and Barbara ask him about his current tour and if he will be back in the area soon? Lindsey tells them all about his new album, Stevie never takes her eyes off him. Afterward Stevie takes Lindsey aside and asks him

" Linds would you like to come see my house, I live just down the road." " lets go for a swim and have a barbecue." Lindsey can't believe what he is hearing. He responds " Okay sounds good Steph!"

Karen drives the two over to Stevie's home. Stevie lives in a five bedroom two wing mansion. There is a full deck over looking the Arizona desert featuring a full size pool, changing rooms, a bar and several tables. Lindsey is amazed by Stevie's home. He tells her " this is incredible place Stevie, I really like the pool!" Stevie is pleased, she says " Go change in the changing room and enjoy!"

Lindsey does just that and enjoys the afternoon swimming. Stevie has kicked off her shoes and is dipping her toes in the water watching Lindsey. He finally gets out and changes. Stevie is waiting for him with a beer in her hand for him. He says "thanks Steph, would you like me to fire up the grill?"

Stevie says " That would be perfect!" Lindsey grills steaks for him and Stevie and she makes them a salad. The two sit down and eat and watch the perfect sunset over the Arizona desert.

After eating Stevie clears away the dishes and turns on the record player. She puts on the their record Buckingham Nicks. In the dying desert light, she takes Lindsey's hand and starts to slow dance to Stevie's song Races are Run.

"So many different kind of people

Trying to be the same
"No way," baby
He said
Baby there's no way
If we could start again
Well who knows
Have we really changed
Some say we have
Reflecting our past
Who can say
Who can say

Races are run
Some people win
Some people always have to lose

Tell me I'm wrong
I can't believe you
We tried a thousand times before
Rained on reasons
Kept us believing
That there might still be more

Races are run
Some people win
Some people always have to lose

Some people have to lose"

Stevie is looking into Lindsey's deep blue eyes and he is lost in her dark brown orbs. He runs his fingers down her back and cups her hips. Stevie is absolutely lost in Lindsey's eyes, she rubs the thumbs of both hands up and down his neck. There are no words spoken, the couples love, even after so many years is apparent. Stevie leans forward and Lindsey meets her, they lock lips sweetly. The electricity is running up and down both of them, from fingertips to their toes.

Lindsey picks Stevie up, she wraps her legs around his hips. He moves them to a more secluded section of the pool deck. He sets her down gently down on a lounger and he rests himself on top of her. Lindsey showers Stevie with small kisses from her collarbone to her navel. Stevie moans in pleasure raking her nails down from his neck all the way down his back. Lindsey sees her impatience and works his way back up to her mouth. Stevie takes his mouth in a frenzy, their tongues intertwine in passion. Lindsey eases Stevie's sundress down her shoulders as she pulls his shirt over his head.

They quickly reestablish their lip lock. Lindsey moves his kisses down Stevie's mouth, to her neck then chest. She moans and whines her pleasure. Lindsey makes his way to her panties which he rips off with one hand. Stevie reaches down at the same time and undoes his pants and unleashes his throbbing manhood.

The foreplay is over, Stevie quickly guides him into her and they move in perfect unison. Before long the couple can not hold out any longer, Stevie releasing her climax with Lindsey right behind.

Stevie rolls over and lays her head on Lindsey's chest. The couple enjoy the warm desert breeze laying together.

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