Without You

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  After the sweet lovemaking, Stevie and Lindsey drank some champagne and watched the stars. Before long the couple fall asleep cuddled together.

  The train arrives in San Francisco that morning. The two disembark the train and find their waiting car.

  The drive to Atherton to Lindsey's mom's house is a short one, the lovers holding hands and singing along to the radio. They pull up to the house and Ruthelda and Jeff come out and greet them. Jeff gives Stevie a big hug as Lindsey's mom embraces him. Ruthelda then hugs Stevie and says" It's been far too long since I've seen you dear!" " I'm so happy to see you with my boy, he needs you."

  Stevie sheds a couple of tears and kisses her on the cheek. Jeff says " come on in, mom has breakfast ready for you two."

  They all go inside and have breakfast. Stevie tells them about her life and her newest record coming out next year called Street Angel. Lindsey talks about his record and the tour he's on now. He tells them he is going to St Paul Minnesota to play at the Target Center in a couple of weeks.

  Jeff asks" Are you going to go to that show Stevie?"

  Stevie looks at Lindsey and says "if Lindsey wants me there, I would love to."

  Lindsey responds " I would love nothing more!" "Maybe we can do a couple of songs together, the audience would love it."

  The rest of the meal goes well, both Lindsey and Stevie are thinking the same thing but don't know it yet.

  Lindsey and Stevie go to the guestroom and take off their shoes and lay down for a kip. Stevie is laying with her head on his chest. She looks up and says to him" do you ever think about us going on the road and performing together?"

  Lindsey thinks a minute and says "I miss that, it would be fun to go out and be Buckingham Nicks again."

  Stevie smiles and replies " Think about it, we could make new songs and sing our old ones."

  Lindsey responds " yes that would be perfect!" " Tomorrow we should get with our managers and see if we can get this arranged!" " I love you Angel"

  Stevie lays back and closes her eyes and says " and I love you too handsome man."

  After the kipping, the couple find out that Jeff has planned a barbecue this evening for Lindsey and Stevie. Some of the extended family and friends are stopping by.

  The evening goes well, Jeff takes care of the grilling chores, Stevie and Ruthelda make the sides. While in the kitchen getting the food ready, Lindsey's mom tells Stevie that's she's so happy to see her with her boy. She also says she knows how much Lindsey loves her and has missed her. Ruthelda finally says " you too belong together, please don't waste anymore time apart."

  Stevie is teary eyed and tells her she promises to try.

  Outside after eating Lindsey produces a acoustic guitar he had here and starts playing music for the guest. The last song he plays is Stephanie. Stevie sits right next to Lindsey as he plays this instrumental song to her. The couple lock eyes the whole way through the song. One of the guests asks Lindsey

  " why doesn't this song have any words?"

  Stevie tells them " this song doesn't need words, the music says all of them."

  Right then Lindsey reaches over and kisses Stevie sweetly on the cheek. Stevie squeezes his hand. All the guests have huge smiles on their faces watching the couple interact.

  After the guests leave Stevie goes back to the guest room and writes in her journal. Lindsey is setting outside on the deck strumming his guitar. Jeff is sipping a beer watching Lindsey play. Lindsey puts down his guitar and says " I better go check on Stevie."

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