Out of the Cradle

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  The desert night eventually grows cold. Stevie has fallen asleep on Lindsey's chest. He gently nudges her awake. Stevie takes Lindsey by the hand and leads him inside. Stevie says " It's late Linds, come lay down with me and I'll get you back to your hotel in the morning."

  Lindsey responds "I have a 10:00 am flight to Reno, I need to be up early." He knows she hates mornings.

  Stevie says "I'll make the arrangements with Karen, I'll call her now." With that Stevie calls Karen and arranges to get Lindsey to the hotel and to his flight.

  Stevie looks up at Lindsey and says "come sleep with me Linds." Lindsey chuckles and follows Stevie up to bed. They get into bed, both naked, Stevie on her side with Lindsey spooned up against her. They fit perfectly together just like they always did. The last thought Lindsey has before sleep is that's this reminds him of how they used to sleep on the mattress on the floor on their old apartment. What he doesn't know is Stevie is thinking the same thing.

  Morning comes, Lindsey naturally wakes early. He gently untangles himself from Stevie and gets dressed. He gives the still sleeping Stevie a kiss and says "love you Angel." Lindsey goes downstairs and meets Karen who has a cup of coffee waiting. After his coffee, Karen whisks him away to his hotel and to his scheduled flight.

  Lindsey and his band are opening for Tina Turner at The Sands Regency Casino tonight. Lindsey's manager has gotten the band opening for Tina Turner the rest of the tour. Lindsey is very exited to get the exposure.

  Lindsey has a suite on one of the upper levels of the hotel casino. He spends his afternoon before sound check relaxing and thinking about Stevie. He thinks about what a whirlwind day he had. From playing his gig to seeing Stevie at the show. He is even more shocked by what happened the next day at her house. He hasn't dare dream he could ever sleep with Stevie again but there it is. He thinks Stevie is really like a storm. She blows in and out of his life that fast.

  Stevie has just gotten out of bed. It's after noon, her usual wake up time. She is sitting in her kitchen drinking coffee and thinking of Lindsey. It was a spur of the moment decision to go see Lindsey's performance. She got all caught up in the moment watching him, down deep she knew then they would end up in bed. Knowing that, she really did miss him. He seems much more like the old Lindsey she lived with when they were young. She finds herself thinking about those times a lot lately.

  Stevie decides to make another impulsive decision. She gets up and walks through the kitchen and living area to Karen's office.

  " Karen I would like you to book me a flight to Reno, I want to go see Lindsey's show. I have another idea to surprise Lindsey"

  Karen gets right to making the arrangements while Stevie gets ready to leave. Stevie meets Karen a short time later downstairs with her suitcase and off they go to the airport.

  Lindsey is getting ready to head downstairs and join his band for sound check. He grabs the door handle and startles when he hears a knock. He opens the door and he sees the most beautiful site he's ever seen, Ms Stevie Nicks!

  Lindsey says " Wow Steph,  I didn't know you were coming?" "This is a huge surprise!" Before Stevie can respond, Lindsey picks her up spins her around him. He sets her down and plants a ferocious kiss on her lips.

  Stevie responds in equal intensity. The couple part and both laugh. Stevie says " I was thinking about what you asked at your concert at the Roxy and I thought I'd offer to sing Never Go Back Again with you this time!"

  Lindsey smiles widely and replies " I would really love that! " " why don't you come down the sound check with me." Stevie agrees and the two head out of his room and downstairs

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