Buckingham Nicks

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Stevie exits the stage and Lindsey and the band finish their set. The crowd roars their approval!

Lindsey makes his way off stage, he sees Stevie and leads her to the dressing room. Once inside Lindsey grabs Stevie and embraces and her kisses her face. He says
"I'm so sorry Angel, I can't believe this all happened!"
"I'm a complete idiot."
"If you can forgive me, I promise to do everything I can to make you happy!"

Stevie has tears streaming down her face, she can't believe the beautiful words coming from him. She takes his face in her hands and says
"Of course I forgive you, please forgive me too."

Now they are both in tears. Lindsey has something in his pocket here really wants to give Stevie.

Lindsey takes Stevie's hand and gets down on one knee. He looks into her beautiful brown eyes and she into the blue grey eyes she loves. He says
" Stephanie I've loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you."
" You are everything to me, I don't want to lose you ever again."
" I've had this since 1975 and I want you to take it now, will you please be my bride?"

Lindsey opens the box and reveals the diamond ring he's been holding onto for so long.

With tears streaming down her face Stevie responds
" Yes Lindsey Adams Buckingham, I will be your bride!"

Lindsey stands up and places the ring on Stevie's finger. They embrace in a passion filled kiss.

The couple gather their things and prepare to leave. Karen knocks and enters the room she says
"Your limo is here, wait...what do you have on your finger?"

Stevie holds her hand up and Karen takes it and looks. She says
" ohhhh you are getting married!"
" Congratulations to you both!"

Stevie and Lindsey both hug her and thank her. They depart the venue in their limo drinking champagne celebrating their engagement.

The couple arrive back at their hotel. They stop and order a bottle of champagne to be delivered to Stevie's room. The two hold hands all the way to the elevators and up to her room.

Lindsey tells her he is going to his room for a quick shower and change of clothes. Stevie is going to do the same but calls her parents first.

Barbara and Jess are elated at the news. Barbara tells Stevie that when she gets back they will have to start making plans. Both parents have always wanted the two to marry.

Lindsey arrives back at Stevie's room. She has the champagne on ice and she has had a quick shower. Stevie is wearing her black silk robe and Lindsey is pretty sure there is nothing on underneath. He plans on testing that theory soon.

Stevie says to Lindsey
" I hope you don't mind but I called mom and dad and told them we were engaged. They were very happy!

Lindsey replies " I better call my mom and brother tomorrow morning." Mom will be over the moon, she's been after me for years to ask you to marry me!

Lindsey says to Stevie "We're still doing the Buckingham Nicks album and tour aren't we?"
"I'm sure our people can get with the record company and maybe they can announce our engagement and our pending album and your all same time."
"We can take care of all the interviews all at one time."

Stevie replies " That's a great idea!" " I love you so much."

,Lindsey responds " I love you too Angel."

Lindsey moves in close to her and plants a soft kiss on her lips. Stevie responds by running her fingers through his curls as his hands roam her body. In no time they have each other undressed, each lover touching and feeling the other freely. Their need for each other so great that there is no time for foreplay.

Stevie parts herself for a Lindsey and he slips into her. They quickly build a pace perfectly I'm sync with each other. They stare into each others eyes, hers beautiful brown and his ocean blue and grey. In short order the lovers climax together their bodies in fine tune with another.

They fall asleep wrapped up in a loving embrace.

The next morning Stevie gets up uncharacteristically early for her and has breakfast with Lindsey. Karen and Jeffrey attend breakfast too as they discuss the couples engagement and musical reunion.

Both managers agree that Reprise will be their label. They are going to schedule an interview with Rolling Stone magazine to announce the couples wedding plans and reunion of Buckingham Nicks. There will be a eight city tour promoting the record, Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, Largo MD, Miami, Birmingham, Phoenix and Las Vegas.

The album will be as dicussed. Lindsey is going to ask Richard Dashutt and Ken Callait to help him to produce the record. The Buckingham Nicks 2 record will definitely be a double record with all the old songs rerecorded along with some of the music that was always going to be on the second album.

Both managers make some calls while Lindsey and Stevie get ready to go to sound check. There is a new wrap around the sign out front of the concert hall announcing
Lindsey Buckingham
With special guest star
Stevie Nicks

It's once again showtime! Lindsey and his band take the stage. The band starts off tonight with Go Your Own Way. After several songs Lindsey announces Stevie and she takes the stage. Lindsey tells the crowd
" Many of you may have noticed the ring on Stevie's finger."
Stevie shows the crowd her hands. Lindsey continues
" I have indeed asked this beautiful woman to marry me and she said YES!"

The crowd roars their approval. Stevie takes over for Lindsey and says
" We are getting married but that isn't the only surprise....we have officially reformed Buckingham Nicks! "

The crowd goes insane, flash bulbs go off everywhere. This will be the biggest story in tomorrow's entertainment news.

With the announcements over the two perform the expected Never Going Back Again.

After the songs over Stevie says to the crowd.
" We have a little surprise, we haven't performed this song in ages but we thought you may like Frozen Love!"

Again the crowd roars their approval. The band begins Frozen Love

You may not be as strong as me
And I may not care to teach you
It may be hard to keep up with me
But I'll be able to reach you

And if you go forward, I'll meet you there
And if you climb up through the cold freezing air

Look down below you search out above
And cry out to life for a frozen love

Life gave me you, the change was made
And there's no beginning over
You are not happy but what is love
Hate gave me you for a lover

And if you go forward, I'll meet you there
And cry out to life for a frozen love

Lindsey and Stevie take a bow and enjoy the applause.

Lindsey and the band finish up there part of the concert. Lindsey walks off stage and finds Stevie. They are both ready to start their new life as Buckingham Nicks.

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