Chapter 24: The Video

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I smiled as Mark set up his computers to record. He hadn't done a Vlog in a while as it was, and wouldn't this be a lovely surprise. I was a little nervous, so I straightened my shirt and tried to put a smile on my face. I had changed into a cute blue-green shirt with butterflies on it and some jeans, and pulled back my hair. Mark was in his Markiplier t-shirt and boxers (for some reason he likes to play video games in his underwear?) and was setting up like normal. I was smiling when he clicked record, "Hello everybody its me, Markiplier! you all remember my friend Riley, who surprisingly has more nards than me when it comes to horror," I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm, making him laugh," but we have news. Threre's going to be a chairity livestream soon, but sadly because she has work, Riley wont be able to join us." I shrugged, "Sorry yall. Wish I could be there, but I gotta go make a show for all my Supernatural fans out there!" M ark smiled at me before continuing, "Speaking of Riley, would you like to tell them," he asked turning to me, "MARK AND I ARE DATING" I shouted, throwing my arms wide open. Mark laughed then nodded, "Yep you heard right. We're together. Sorry ladies." he smiled and laced our fingers together to hold them up to the camera. "Please don't come murder me in my sleep, I promise Mark is still allowed to twerk for his viewers" I said. Mark gave me a look and shook his head before continuing. "So, yep that's about it. Thanks everyone for watching, click the annotations to watch some more of my videos, and we will see you, in the next video. BYE BYE!" we waved at the camera before Mark hit the end record button. He immmeadleaty went into editing while I went to the kitchen to grab a drink. I grabbed two Doctor Peppers out the fridge to where Mark was at the computer. I wrapped my arms around his neck gently, letting them hang loosely over his chest while I watched him work. He moved his face towards mine and licked my cheek. I laughed, "Idjit," I told him while wiping spit off my face. I saw him grinning, so I popped him on the shoulder lightly. He clicked on the video to uploaded it to YouTube. "Wanna go breh? Wanna piece of me?" he said grinning. "Come at me bro!" I joked back. Mark jumped up and tried to grab me, but I was too fast. I ran into the living room and jumped onto the chair by the wall where Mark wouldn't see me. When he barreled out the hall, I jumped on his back. He laughed and grabbed me, pulling me off his back and into his arms. He threw me onto the couch and began to tickle me until my sides hurt. When he let me up, I mock-punched him in the arm before kissing him on the cheek. He laughed and pulled me up off the couch. "Wanna go grab something to eat?" he asked. "Sure" I ran and grabbed my phone and wallet off his desk and got in the car beside him, excited. This was going to be our first real 'date'.

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