Chapter 2

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There are no words to describe how it feels to see when you were blind all your life. Well, I'll try to tell you what is it like. The first thing I saw was that picture, in the Darkness. It was glowing from the inside, attracting me like fire attracts an insect. It grew wilder and bigger as it drew me closer. That time I felt for the first time in my life - excitement. Just after that the first thought crossed me, it was stupid, meaningless, but it was the first.

"This is the beginning. Each life starts with an excitement, doesn't it?"


Understanding that I had my own body was, even more, stranger. I was able to move my fingers and sense the wet grass. That was unusual.

"It feels...wonderful"

Slowly opening my eyes and freezing at the sight, amazed by the colours, but what were they called?

"The sky is blue," my lips moved by themselves.

I screamed and closed my eyes, terrified. Laying without any movement and with closed eyes made me calm down. It was dark and it reminded me of the Darkness. I was ready to do anything to go back there.

"Something cold is touching me, touching my body. Darkness..take me back."


Some time passed before I more or less adapted to this situation. New information continued to fill my brain; I learnt how to control my body and remembered who I am. As if I was in a state of amnesia. I laid there on the wet grass under the rays of the hot sun, thousands of words filling my mind. I finally remembered my name. Cahir.

"Yeah, I remembered my life story, yet I have no clue where am I and what am I doing here," I thought, passing by an ancient ornamental fountain. It was ornate with a statue of a lion. Sitting on the edge of it, I dipped my hand in the water, enjoying how softly it moved around my outstretched fingers, caressing cooly. I pull my hand out fascinated at how the drops fell rapidly, watching each drop of water like a one-horse race, and used my other hand to catch them.

I got up and walked around the abandoned garden, getting tickled by the sun-warmed grass, exploring the garden with each glance. I could see a lot of apple trees surrounding the place. It was as if the apple trees were the jewels of this garden.

"Maybe there is a way out of this place..."

I look around carefully, I then notice a door which was not far and it might be my only way out. I run, my feet crashing the spiky grass. I could feel a smile stretch on my face as I reach the door. It was brown brass coloured, neatly painted with no spot left out. I close my fingers around the square dark metaled knob, twisting it left and right, yet nothing worked.

My smile faded off as if I was cat whose cream was taken away from.

"There is another way out, I'm sure" I assured myself trying to cover my disappointment. I bolt to the trees and squeeze through them, getting poked by the leaves. The trees made the sky vanish. The sun sunk and its rays disappeared in the thin air of the fragrance of leaves and loam. The trees were like a cover from the sun, the sky vanished from my sight. There was no sight of a living creature, but I, only the sound of the leaves dancing, other than that it was strangely quiet.

I walk until I find a wide space with a small abandoned hut. I approach closely to have a better look of it. It was no more than an isolated shack of elderly with shivering walls that barely stood the faint air. An Oak tree grew in the middle of the house dividing it into two. It was made of rocks, that were gray once, but now covered with rotting grass. The roof sagged in the middle. There was no door to "nicely" invite you in, there was only a hole with a pile of plants trying to force their way out.

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