Chapter 3

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Oksana inhaled deeply, trying to relax and sense each part of her body. Her stomach hurt, but as soon as she started ignoring it became no obstacle for what she was doing right now.

The book was opened right in the middle and was laying upside down on the floor near her. Pages were soft pink coloured, because of the rising sun, whose first red rays came through the old, battered curtains.

It was surprisingly quiet outside, so was it in the house. Living creatures were mostly sleeping, and the only sounds Oksana could hear the birds tweeting and her own heart regularly beating. Lubov wasn't home since yesterday evening and it is a good thing, she couldn't see what her daughter was doing.

"Okay, I relaxed my body. Now it's my mind's turn." She inhaled and tried to clear her thoughts, leaving the brain completely empty.

"Tulpa Book." as the girl called it, it was said that the easiest way to interact with your Tulpa is by meditating. Oksana was serious about all the instructions and obediently followed each instruction.

"1 – Lay on the straight surface (you may use a pillow in case you have/had an injury).

2 – Sense and relax your body, try to imagine that it doesn't exist, only your mind does.

3 – Try not to think about anything, erase all your thoughts..."

"Now I have to think of my Wonderland. Yeah, that place from the show would just be fine... And Tulpa?... The Book says that my brain will decide for me. I guess it would be Melinda... Or that fallen angel, Sasha. They are both very nice..."

She didn't remember when she lost the touch with reality. Oksana just suddenly realised that she isn't laying in her room anymore, but standing in front of some stairs, that led down. She looked around. She was in some small room with a low roof and dirty walls. No windows or doors only stairs.

Oksana took a step down, the dim light caused her to stumble over her foot, falling beneath where she expected to stop; her loud piercing screech echoed throughout the entire cramped room. She found herself at the end of the stairs, her legs situated on the last upper parts of wooden steps, while her head positioned to the right side. Her attention was swiftly locked on the light that penetrated through a small window, the blaze of sun rays made her eyes shut close.

She used her arms strength to ascend her body, which wasn't suffering from any stinging pain. She stood on the tip of her toes to look what really lies behind that petite window. Her fingers solid on the shiny surface metal edges of the window, her eyes fixated on the scenery behind there. She could see a statue of lion, standing so mighty behind the light blue sky. However, she couldn't look further to see where it was placed on. She could see a lot of apple trees behind the statue, standing firmly next to each other. She drew even closer when she spotted a figure squeezing through the apple trees.

She tried to push the door open with the force of her body. Banging the door with her hands, she hoped the person would hear her stubborn tries and open this sealed door. The room's walls gradually enclosed Oksana, compressing her. Her continuous bangs on the door become more than curiosity, it became a matter of survival. There was a point where everything stopped, the scent of dust, the arc sun rays, even the way back to the stairs, yet she never stopped hoping - never stopped hoping to be heard by someone or saved by someone behind there.

Then the hope turned into despair as everything broke into reality.


Lubov entered her daughter's room, almost falling on the floor and cursing through gritted teeth. The room was "dancing" in front of her eyes, so she couldn't focus on anything. Firstly, she didn't notice Oksana, laying on the floor and thought that the girl is not even inside, but then saw the body, and moved towards it, not really understanding what's going on.

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