Chapter 5

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I could see terror filling her veins, the way she grabbed the shaggy grass; fleetly groveling, causing the unkempt grass to be pulled out of its soil. A shrill of yawp filled the wandering wind, crawling on her knees; she rose but fell shortly.

"Hey!" I shout, awaiting her response, but all I got was a turn with her face devoured by fear, the color drained from it.

She moved up from the ground, her wobbly legs sprinting as fast as they managed, she strode to the door and fear bubbles up in my chest.

"Don't leave me!" I yell at her, rushing towards her, I seize her right wrist. Tension grew in her face and limbs while her breathing became more rapid.

"I won't hurt you, please don't leave," I assure her, but her shaking body tells me she isn't convinced.

She tried to thrust me away with her left arm tears welling up her eyes as she failed; her eyes held a strong emotion in them, the color of springtime ferns invaded them, I can't accurately paint them with a word, they were clouded, bundled with emotions. Avoiding her piercing stares, I tighten my grip around her wrist.

"I won't hurt you," I smile at her, hoping that her fear will whisk away.

Her sudden shove tossed me on the ground; she manipulated my kindness to escape from my grip. Her legs feeling quite heavy to her, sudden spurts of speed made her sweep to the towerings above her, the beautiful apple trees with emerald leaves.

Running is what I mostly did around here and will do it as much as it requires. I dash through the trees, clouds of greens covering the sky. Aromas of barks and loam filled my lungs as I inhale, ravenous for oxygen. My bare feet kissed the forest floor, the wet and moisture ground covered with dry brown needles.

The leaves danced merrily as the cool breeze brought warmth to my rushing thoughts, calming me for few seconds. I could hear clumsy footfalls crunching over the stones further down, my legs led me, while my eyes taking in every detail no matter how small they were, I had to find her.

I grasp the branches with my hands, as I saw a glimpse of her. I draw closer, standing behind the tree, It branches extended wide, separating from each other. She glanced around, her eyes scanning through the trees basking in the sunlight.

Unanticipated, her body plummeted like a bricked balloon, my eyes widen and my mouth hung with lips slightly parted. I hurtle tumbling down the steep rocky sleep. She was lying, the sobs punching through her, beads of water falling one after another as it flowed down her pale cheek, and the screams came out uproar from her throat. I sat next to her, the concern layered my face.

The sky became drab; a carpet of gray covered it. The clouds dominated it, though they were mostly white, a stain of gray smudged them, hinting that rain may play a part of today. I laid my hand slightly on her shoulder, torment gobbled her. She flinched and grabbed me by the collar.

"Kill me! What are you waiting for?!" A shock registered on my face, swathes of loose hair framed her freckled elfin features that were twisted in agony. She lowered her head and her tears spilled from her helpless eyes.

"Let me help you," I utter, trying to soothe her.

"She brought a man here purposely, she intended to kill me, but she wanted me to undergo misery," she muttered and turned her gaze toward me, trying to regulate her breathing while her sobs became quieter "What are you waiting for? Didn't she tell you what to do?"

She? My mind spun, all the thoughts colliding, trying to evaluate what she meant. I lay my hand on her shoulder, but she quickly slaps it off. I draw a smile on my face, focusing my view on the ethereal gray sky.

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