Chapter 2

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Blossomkit's POV:

"Where did Mountain go?" Came Shadekit's mew.

Blossomkit shrugged, half listening. Most of her attention was focused on the snickering Dark Forest warriors as they attacked Nutwhisker. She peered closer, trotting right up to the scene to see Nutwhisker collapse on his side, flailing his paws to fend off as many blows as he could.

The young she kit watched in awe and amazement as the warriors mercilessly beat the brown tom, her eyes round. This is how clan life should be! Where cats who do bad things get punished! Flowerstream doesn't know what she's talking about when she says the clan leader should be fair to all clan members.

When Nutwhisker was too weak to fight back, NoName's ears flicked, silently ordering the warriors to back away. The red she cat glanced at Flare, and her sister stepped forwards to inspect the brown tom. The orange she cat gave his bleeding haunches a jab with her paw and he jerked in response, a hoarse whimper leaving his lips.

These few moments gave Blossomkit full view of the injuries the tom had obtained. His ears had been torn, bleeding and drooping. His muzzle and cheeks were coated in blood, a long claw mark trailing from his jaw down his neck. His back was littered with countless scratches and bites, and his tail had been broken- the end crooked.

Flare looked up at NoName. "End?"

NoName's head dipped in a faint decline. "I will do it." She meowed, her pure white eyes cold as she watched the scene below her. She nimbly jumped down to where Nutwhisker lay and carefully place a paw on his head and another on his chest. There was a cry from the Lightclan medicine cat, but it was cut off abruptly as his body jerked and then went limp, his wide green eyes going dull and lifeless. A single strip of black dust rose from his body and into NoName's paws.

Small, excited cheers ran throughout the Dark Forest warriors as they circled Nutwhisker's dead body. Blossomkit pricked her ears as she heard one of the Ravenclan warriors mutter from the Prisoner group. "These sort of activities are an outrage!" The tom was quickly given a sharp blow to the head and he immediately grew quiet.

Shadekit pulled on Blossomkit's tail. "C'mon, let's go back to the nursery..." The dark furred kit murmured. "I don't wanna see what happens next."

"What happens next?" The cream she kit asked, letting the tom drag her back to their den.

"I don't know." He sighed. "But I don't want to see."

"Fine." Blossomkit shrugged. She was with hanging out with Shadekit. Being the leaders' son, Shadekit could do whatever he wanted, and Blossomkit wanted to be a part of that.


"Catch me if you can!" Shadekit yowled, racing around the nursery with his tail high in the air.

Blossomkit skidded after him, her paws stretching out with each bound to catch the dark furred tom. "I'll get you Shadekit!" She promised with a grin.

"Run Shadekit! Don't let her get you!" Stormkit's yowl came from Flowerstream's nest.

"Let me help!" Darkkit yowled and tumbled into Blossomkit. The two she cats sprawled on the ground in a giggling mess, their eyes bright with laughter.

Blossomkit untangled herself from Darkkit to see Stormkit pounce on Shadekit. "Ha ha!" The grey tom grinned. "I betrayed you!"

"No! How could you?!" Shadekit wailed, laughing.

"With my mouse powers!" Stormkit rolled off Shadekit and tumbled into Blossomkit and Darkkit, laying on both of them. "I command you to dance around the den!" He waved his paw, pretending to put a spell on the two she kits.

Blossomkit giggled and wriggled out from under him and proceeded to dance around the den, bouncing on her paws as she twirled and spun in circles. Darkkit followed her lead, and the two she kits bumped into each other halfway through their twirling, falling back into a heap on the den floor.

Stormkit giggled and bounced around them. "You two looked so funny!"

Blossomkit rolled her eyes and exchanged a glance with Darkkit. The two she kits grinned before lunging in unison, pinning Stormkit down. The grey dappled tom let out a shout of surprise and flailed his paws but the two she kits held him down, laughing.

Their fun was interrupted by Flowerstream. "Nap time!" She called, waving her tail.

"Aww." They all whined, reluctantly returning to their nests.


Warriors: Shadows Triumph ~Book 1, Series 3~Where stories live. Discover now